
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Welcome August

Today as I turned the calendar, I looked at Ron and said, " Yay for August!!! We are one month closer to Fall!!" Do you ever feel sorry for August? I do, I am always in such a race for lovely, September and the best month of all October that I am afraid I snub poor August. I decided today, I would enjoy each day of August just because. When I looked at the calendar, I saw there are five Fridays in August which means an extra paycheck. That is a good thing don't you think?

I didn't say anything to anyone but the other morning when I went to walk around and look at things, I caught the smell of school starting. I saw crows beginning to fly in flocks back to where ever it is they have been for the summer. I even have a flock of blackbirds when normally it is later for them to coming hopping back into my life. Then in the afternoon, the boys came in and announced, " It smells like school is going to start." So I know that it wasn't just my imagination.

The leaves are beginning to drift down from the front tree and start to remind us of the passage of time. I was standing watching as the leaves were filling up the yard, when Peter came to stand beside me and as we watched together, he said, " It makes me sad you know, now I am grown and still I see young Peter playing around the tree. " I looked away, but didn't mention, that often I see young Kim sitting at the roots singing and dreaming of days gone by. I will never mention the laughter that I hear there when I am alone of children sailing in rough seas or of pirate ships that threaten to make them all walk the plank.

August I think gets so over looked just because the trees are tired and dusty and weary. At least it is that way here. Not enough rain and too much heat. I noticed that the beautiful red cherry trees are now a tired shade of orange red. I don't think I have noticed that before. I see leaves on the cottonwoods turning yellow on the inside branches.  The bunny is loosing his summer coat.

So welcome August. I will keep my eyes open to see you and try not to loose my attention and dream of September. I will try to enjoy you and not say bad things about heat, humidity and the other things I accuse you of. So I will welcome you since today you are coming with cooler weather than did your friends June and July or even April and May. They were both pretty fickle this year. I will keep my fingers crossed and just maybe we could be friends.

Happy August,


  1. First of the header photo! Secondly. Yes, take each day and not be in a rush. That is something, you know, that I struggle with always. Appreciate what is in front of you. Have a great August! xo

  2. Good morning Kim! yes, so far for me August is off to a great start too! It is downright cool this morning..YAY! AND...I just ordered the iron I have been wanting on a special 1 day only sale (60 dollars off!) PLUS free shipping! And Mel will be here next week! And!! my new sewing machine classes will all be in August. Soo August is looking great over here! Enjoy your day!

    btw, I definitely remember that "feel" in the air and weather of school is about to start. I LOVED it for some reason. Felt like new beginnings, Fall is around the corner, and just that all is right with the world feel. And your right, there was just kind of a smell to it all too. ; )

  3. I hope you enjoy your August! (It's my birthday month, so I do! :) ) It's started off here with 70 degrees, which is unheard of here! It's also rainy today, so a bit slower pace. School starts for our kids on the 26th...they are NOT happy that it's August!

  4. this fall will be a different one for you - without 'the smell of school'. :(

  5. Hi Kim!
    I feel the same way. Let's make it good. Maybe we should think of some foods that we will only eat in August. Hmmmm. Banana/Nilla/pudding? Plum cobbler? Zucchini stir-fry?
    Maybe every August we will finish Anne of Green Gables so we can carry her through the year.

  6. Yes, welcome August. It's a bit humid here but it'a a new day and it's beautiful. Here, school doesn't starts until after Labor Day in September.

    I like your attitude of enjoying every day in August. I'll try to do like you and see if I can enjoy every day as it comes.

    When I open my eyes in the morning, I thank God for the new day and for all that it brings but sometimes during the day, I forget about the gifts that the new day brought me and I take it for granted and sometimes I complain bitterly.
    As I say good bye to July I remember my mom passed over to be in heaven on July 29th and I can't believe that she has been gone for 4 years already. It seems to me like it was last year.
    August 4th will be her wedding anniversary and also my youngest daughter's birthday.

    I hope that August will be nice for you.

  7. Beautiful words, Kim. And I wish you a splendid, joy-filled 31 days of August! Even though August is usually too hot for my taste, here where I live the trees are still very green and the skies are very blue. No falling leaves here until October or November. August holds some personal celebrations for me; maybe that's why I tend to think of it as my favorite month.

  8. I'm hoping for lots of monsoons this August! I'm not quite tired of the heat yet, because it hasn't really been too bad. Pete's remark made me sad. At the same time, though, good memories. :-)

  9. This post made me smile! Love to read your share them well! :-)

  10. I hope we have a cool August. I know it won't happen, but I still hope. Everything is tired around here too. It is time to rip out the garden. It's so over grown and dying and droopy.

  11. I have never thought of it but you are exactly right about I join you in trying my best to take each day and enjoy and stay in the moment.....

    Love your new look....

  12. What beautiful flowers.

    Wonderfully written. Seems like all the seasons are off a little.

    May we be blessed with just what we need.

  13. Kim, This post was beautifully written.
    These are the last sweet days of summer.
    I try not to rush them, to get to the 'next thing'.

  14. Beautifully written, Kim. Oh that we all would slow down and savor each day that the Lord has given us.

  15. this year, i feel sorry for summer and will not be sad to see it go!!

    bring it fall, my favorite time of year!!

  16. Your August has already been full of the nostalgic memories that we hold onto forever. You said it so well, especially with Peter under the tree. I recognize those same feelings you didn't share, I'm thinking we all do. Enjoy your August, I love your attitude.

  17. Kim- I just love the way you use words. You always evoke such emotion within me. I can see where you live and walk and work; I can remember my own past that flew by way to quickly; I can get in touch with emotions I hadn't realized were right there waiting to be unleashed. Such a writer you are! I've been good about appreciating every day this summer since I knew that I would have to be back at school on the 15 and be ready for students on the 21. It's the first time I've ever purposely remembered to slow down and appreciate. It was so worth it!

  18. So beautifully written Kim, I have always tried to rush August too, simply because I was tired of the heat and humidity, though this year we have had the best summer for temps., not one hundred temps. day, but have had so much rain, we have had to replant our garden 4 times. The other reason being, I love fall, and am always so anxious to enjoy it.~smile~
    As always enjoy visiting with you.

  19. Very true Kim..I always seem to rush through August in my haste to get done with the heat of summer...staying indoors and keeping busy. I swear sometimes it feels like I wish my life away- hurry up spring, hurry up summer, hurry up fall. SIGH.

  20. Oh Kim, how differently we feel about August.
    I do understand your feeling though, considering where you live.
    The cool weather here has stunted my garden.

  21. I'm guilty of ignoring August, while looking forward to fall. Can't wait for fall! Colors, smells, leaves on trees changing, fresh bread baking, pumpkins that make me smile or become pies. Yes! August will just have to deal with it. :)

  22. For me, I never want August to end. Once summer is over it is back to work and early bedtimes and hurried mornings. Although I love fall, I love staying home more. Lovely post Kim!


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