
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Being Busy

I think it is good to be busy. I fall in bed at night and don't wake up until morning. I have been binding rugs and making some things. I thought I would share some of them today. I have had this pattern for at least three years. For some reason I couldn't ever focus enough to figure it out. Yesterday, I thought today I would try it again. Here is my acorn from Crabapple Hill.

It is a pin cushion. I had so much fun and in fact I was glad no one could hear me as I chuckled as I made it. Making the leaves was fun too. It has a cute little needle case that goes with it but I have to make that today.

I finally finished this. I never know why I procrastinate. I think it could be the huffy dog I have. As soon as I pick up my sewing machine to get it out she gets this look on her face and sits so I can see her displeasure. She huffs and if I keep sewing she gets under my bed and ignores me the rest of the day.

 I used the wool that I dyed the other day. As I was working with the wool I decided that my favorite medium is wool. I just love the way it feels when I sew with it.

One of my favorite things, a little key. I am a bit of a hoarder with it comes to skeleton keys. I was getting one out of my box and I thought I would show you my hoarder box.

When I made these boxes I kept one. I have it sitting on my desk and every so often I pick it up and go through it. This is what is on the inside.

Every time I go someplace I keep my eyes open for keys and small things that have something to do with sewing. I have found such neat things in places you wouldn't expect. I also ask every time I go into a antique store. Sort of my little quest.

Don't you just love that tiny thimble? I just love this box and every time I open it and I think of what my grand kids would think to see Grandma's box. I bet it would be like I still remember when my grand mother brought out her button box. It was a tin and it was filled to the top with old buttons. She made a button string for me and I would play with it for hours. I remember sitting outside on a swing that she had in her yard under the tall shade trees in the summer listening to the birds and feeling the cool grass under my feet as I moved back and forth slowly on the swing playing with that string of buttons. Thinking about all of the wonderful buttons in her box, as she sat on the porch, rocking so quietly and we would talk now and again, She always knew my thoughts or she would point out something I missed or she would tell me the name of a bird or a plant. Moments captured in thoughts that only now I remember.

I hope you have a wonderful day today. I have lots of things to do and lots of things to accomplish. As that poem goes by Robert Frost, " miles to go before I sleep."

Have a lovely day,


  1. That is a neat little box of treasures. I remember the fun of looking through Grandma's button tin.

  2. I am getting my medicine, so I am forced to sit still!! But I feel so lucky to have this wonderful iPad, it helps pass the time!!

  3. love your little treasure box. and laughing at sasha having a snit when you sew! :)

  4. I love your shared memories...and the cross stitch and the acorn (so darn cute) and the box! LOVELY!

  5. First, I love the acorn pin cushion...soo cute! And the treasure box is just priceless. I just love things like that. My grandmother had a button jar. How I loved that thing, haha. I bet your grandkids will love your box as well. Enjoy your day Kim!

  6. That little witch is adorbs! My kids would love to run their fingers through your treasure box!

  7. Hello Kim, wow, I love the acorn, how cute it is...very crafty you are, Francine.

  8. That is the cutest little acorn! I love your box of keys too. I'm glad you've been busy. Busy is good. :)

  9. What a wonderful little box of treasures!

  10. I have been on a computer vacation. Lots going on right now and I just don't have the energy for blogging. I keep the box that you gave me on my dresser. I love having it!

  11. Oh great finish of the acorn! Your newly dyed wool looks perfect on it!
    I really enjoyed a peep into the box of keys! It's a lovely collection.

  12. Your acorn looks real! It's so cute!

  13. I have my grandmother's button box, about half full of her buttons. No one else would think much of it, but it means everything to me. My grands loved to play with it, but unfortunately only when they were too little to play with it unattended. Maybe T#4 isn't too old to want to play with buttons ... I need to get it down when she's here next.

  14. I like keys, too. And I like your box.I think it's great that you have a treasure box. I have a treasure bag that I keep in a drawer. Once in a while, I take it out and go thru it. It beings back sweet memories for me, too.

  15. OH! your needle work is so lovely, and I can tell just by reading this all the love you put into it. I love your hoarder box, as well as the story, I have my grandmother's old sewing machine and found so many things in the drawers, even an old cut out pattern she made out of newspaper, thanks for the memory.
    I finished picking my blueberries today, Yay!!
    Enjoy your evening.

  16. I know you have no difficulty finding something to keep you busy, Kim! I love your collection in the box!

    Take some time for yourself!

    xo Nellie

  17. That acorn is just so cute. when I see all the old keys, I kind of visualize the people who locked doors and cabinets and drawers with them. I wonder what little treasures the kept under lock and key.

    Take care,

  18. Hi Kim! Pretty keys are a smart thing to collect! They ARE so delicate and full of story, right?
    I love the acorn! Darling!

  19. I adore your little 'treasure' box.
    Your acorn is nifty and you are right...
    wool is addictive and pleasing to work with. ;)
    I loved reading your thoughts about your grandmother - the buttons and the porch swing. Grandmothers have such a valuable role and can impact so many lives.

  20. Someday your Grands will be remember your key box and have stories about it!
    I think I would use your acorn pincushion for Fall décor!


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