
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Twaddle on Tuesday

This morning I went out to do my chores. I was thinking about the things I needed to do as it is supposed to reach 110 today and I was thinking about all sorts of other things and I forgot to unplug the hot wire. Sasha ran ahead of me to the chicken pen and she found out that the wire was hot. She jumped about five feet straight up in the air, walked around with a puzzled look on her face.

I turned around went back up to the house to unplug the fence. ( We were unsure if the fence was working, I guess it is after all.)  She wouldn't come down to the chicken pen and stayed up at the swing set until I opened the back gate.

I turned the water on in the garden and got the hose to bring in the yard so I could fill all of the chicken waterers. I have been keeping the bunny in a wire cage on the grass with ice bottles and he seems to like it.
I also move one of the small chicken feeders out in the yard so that the chickens can eat out under the shade
I lifted the little feeder and there was a snake under it. It was my turn to jump five feet in the air and scream.
I hate snakes. It made me so sick and it makes my knees so weak. When I yelled he crawled back in a hole
under the door. I could barely make myself even look. I guess Sasha and I were even this morning.

Last year I started making some stuffed chickens. I have had fits and I have spent hours on these things. I have a rooster and a hen but I haven't finished the roosters clothes. I have the hen almost finished but I haven't got her sleeves made for her little dress and her bloomers. I thought I would show you her.

I think she looks like a chicken version of Dobby. She is supposed to have a couple of eggs in her arms. The rooster has a cute little nugget.

See her little feet? They make me just laugh. I don't know why. But they do. I need to get her finished.

I started a new chicken rug yesterday. I guess I always have chickens on the brain.

I hope to finish the rest of the sunflowers and get the back ground started. I love the wool I got for the chickens.

I really like this shape. It is fun and fast to hook.

I hope you have a nice day today. Thank you so much for stopping by today.

Oh, and here is a P.S. All of my blogs are still on blogger. I didn't loose any at all. I can still see them like normal.



  1. i like the chicken rug. and poor sasha - then poor you! :) stay cool if you can!

  2. So sorry that you and Sasha both got "wired" this morning...Those kind of surprises are no fun....

    I love those chickens; they are the cutest things I have seen in a while...Don't forget to post a picture when you finish them.....

    I didn't know people were getting lost on blogger....I sure hope nothing happens to mine and so glad you are safe.....

  3. I think that little hen is just precious... and the hooked rug looks good! You would just die here with all the snakes we have!

  4. For some reason when I got to the part "I haven't finished the roosters clothes" I thought I would die laughing. Not sure why it struck me so funny. Ohh poor Sasha. I bet she sent that snake after you for payback!
    But seriously, those stuffed chickens are cute, cute, cute! I want to see the bloomers when they are finished (snort)

  5. Cute, cute chickens, Kim. You are really good with your crafts! xo Nellie

  6. The chickens are adorables. So cute!

  7. I love your chicken projects! Your chicken dolls are adorable. I don't think I've ever seen them before. :-)

    Man, a snake! I hope the chicks are too big for him to get now. Doubtless you have fifty thousand mice and he's just doing his job.

  8. It's a real hard job keeping chicken and you are doing a great job. We use hot wires for dividing the pastures for the cows to graze and we don't need to make fences. However we need to keep the grass cut around where the wires are since they won't eat under the wires like they do under fences.

    The snake would be a good deterrent for me to keep me out of the chicken coop. I think that I would stick with stuffed chickens and chicken pillows. Cute little stuffed chickens, real cute.

    You are coming right along with that chicken rug.

  9. Love all the chickens! And I'm tickled to see everything is the same on blogger and it's after July 1st! Yay!

    I would have done the same as you about the snake...don't like any snakes...NONE!

    Happy 4th, Kim!


  10. Your little stuffed chickens are just adorable! And the rug is darling too. I would have screamed LOUD at the sight of that snake as well. They are just soo creepy! Poor Sasha...Boy, your heat is relentless huh? We only got up to around 90 today but it is still humid. I hate that. Hope you had a good day!

  11. I love these chickens too. You are so talented.

    Do be careful, snakes are looking for cool spots too.

  12. Cute, darling chickens! Have you ever seen "Chicken Run"? I think you would enjoy it.

  13. Great chicken rug you are working on! I don't like snakes either :)

  14. Love all of the chicken projects !
    I am also working on a Red Hen in Needle Punch. ;)
    It must be the warm weather.

  15. I am absolutely crazy about your stuffed chicken!You should open an Etsy store. It made me smile the minute I saw it. Great job.
    Poor Sasha!
    I went to BlogLovin in case Blogger goes bye-bye.
    My oldest is back from England. I loved having her here for a few days.

  16. Eeeekk...I hate snakes too! I have NEVER seen one at our house, and the day I see one in my chicken house is the day that the whole neighborhood...and I mean the whole neighborhood...hears me shrieking! :)

  17. i always enjoy seeing your crafts and projects!!

    yikes!! on that snake and try to stay cool. it's super humid at the jersey shore!!

  18. Love the chicken and your rug. When I stop working, maybe I will take up rug hooking. It looks like something I would like to do! Have a happy 4th!

  19. Another snake, eewwww and poor Sasha. I bet she was wondering what happened to her. Your living room is lovely and so clean and neat. I must get my vacuum out after I get off the computer. The flag looks very patriotic and perfect for all our American holidays. Have a wonderful 4th with your family today.

  20. Kim ~
    Happy Fourth to you and your family!
    I know I'm definitely in the minority but little snakes don't scare me. This year I've had quite a few in the flower beds and though they may startle me, I am not afraid. They are so good to have around, eating lots of bugs and spiders and living close to the lake, we have LOTS of those.
    Great chicken projects!
    Hugs :)

  21. those chicken dolls (???) are cute as buttons! as to the keep it, I don't want it. Happy July 4th to you and yours...may freedom ring!

  22. Those dolls are so CUTE!! You are so creative Kim.

  23. CUTE! I love the hen! Can't wait to see the rooster! And the finished chicken rug. The snake you can keep. LOL


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