
Thursday, July 25, 2013


On Wednesday, I had my day all planned out. After I worked in the garden, I was going to finish up some of the things I have been working on, then I was going to take a book, my sunglasses, my towel and swim and read my book. I was going to put on some tunes and just have a vacation day. Then this happened.

Peaches!!! lots of peaches.

More peaches

I hardly made a dent. I peeled peaches for 4 hours and I only got 5 gallons of them in the freezer. I maybe have three times as much as this on the tree still. Not to mention I have two full trees of nectarines and a fall peach that is ripe around fair time in September.I made a peach cobbler in the midst of peeling these peaches.

I am so sloppy even though I try not to be after I finished I had to mop the kitchen. So by the time I was finished cleaning up it was almost time to cook dinner. Did I do a single thing I planned. Nope, but I didn't feel too bad because I know when the cold winds blow outside. I can take a bit of sunshine out of the freezer and remember the taste of summer.

One of the summer projects I made for myself, was to read the books by Elisabeth Goudge. I don't expect many people to know who she is her most famous book is called Green Dolphin Street. They made that one into a movie a long time ago. The book I am reading right now is called The Scent of Water. I will look for this one to buy. I love it when I find a book as I turn the page I find treasure every where. I find myself just gasping because of the beauty of her prose. Here is a sample.

" She drove on, for time was passing, She came out presently on high g round and looked down over the great plain and across it to the far line of blue hills. She saw a city, so alchemized by distance and blue air that it's towers and spires seemed drifting on the plain like the vision of Lyonesse that is seen floating out to sea. Between her and the city she saw villages and farmsteads and the gleam of silver where river and stream wound through the water meadows. Against the steep slopes below her apple blossom broke like spray."  (The Scent of Water, pg.33)

It is as my husband says, " One of those books your Mom likes, all they do in that book is walk around and talk to people." Well, it is only someone who loved people could have written a book about joy around every corner. That is what I love to see the tiny things and find the magic in life.

Time to go take care of the small things like Sasha and the chickens and play in the garden. Along with all of the other mundane things I do but am reminded to look for the beauty I can find therein. Have a lovely Thursday,


  1. Sounds like a keeper! I'll have to see if they have it in the library system here. So many peaches! We've been buying them like mad at the grocery store. It must be a good year for them.

  2. oh, those peaches look great! my sis would love them!

  3. Oh goodness Kim you are always soo productive and busy! it is inspiring. The peaches look soo good, and how I LOVE them! loved the sound of the book too. Enjoy your day!

  4. Yay for Elizabeth Goudge! At first, I was a bit bewildered by her writing. Then, I looked deeper and now I hope I can look deeper still. Wonderful!
    I love the looks of your peaches. YUM! I love them so much!
    Smoothies! Pies! Cobblers!
    I love Sasha because you do. She's a good girl.
    I want a black kitten. I may stop at the pet store today and browse. Shhhhh. Don't tell Bill!
    Off to the eye doctor!

  5. Oh my goodness..those peaches look delicious! I could bite into a juicy peach about now. They sure do make a mess, though...peach juice everywhere, no matter how hard you try! You are so lucky to have your own tree!!!

  6. What wonderful peaches, Kim! My husband would dearly love to have some good peaches, and these look like they are just perfect!

    Also, I now need to read that book!:-)

    I hope you are having a good Thursday!

    xo Nellie

  7. I am imagining myself biting into one of the peaches and have the juice drip down my arm to my elbow....Yummmmmy

  8. I would come and help you peel all day for a basket of fresh tree ripen peaches. What we buy are picked before they are ripe and don't taste like your does.

    It's a gift that you love literature as you do. I think after a day of peeling you deserve to sit down and read a while and fill your imagination with pretty descriptions.

    I hope that you can have time to fulfil your plans this weekend.


  9. As they say--'best laid plans'... That's why I try not to plan things. They always get messed up. :) Peaches- just one more thing that reminds me of my grandmother. I love all my memories of her. She and my granddaddy were my two favorite people!

  10. ohmy...she does have a way of using her words.

    I remember when I used to can peaches and peach jam...can almost taste them...

  11. Sometimes the best days are ones where we don't do what we had originally planned. ;-)

    Enjoy your peaches ... now and this winter! Peaches are in at the local orchards, but they pick them before they're totally ripe. :-(

    I'm going to have to see if I can find that book (or others written by that author) in the Kindle store.

  12. cut in half, grilled, with a drizzle of honey and a scoop of ice cream. try it, it's delish!!

    have a peach of a weekend!!

  13. Nice peaches! As you say...a lot of work but well worth it!

  14. Hello, I don't think I've visited before. Saw your comment on Gretchen Joanna's blog and came over to see you. And here I find mention of my favorite author, Elizabeth Goudge! The Scent of Water is one of my favorites of hers. I have managed over the past 20 years to collect nearly all of her books and have read them many times over. I can honestly say that her works have made a huge impact on my life and understanding of things and outlook, etc. ever since I was about twelve. I'm now 63, so that is a lot to say! Anyway, just wanted you to know here is another EG fan who knows what you are talking about.

  15. PS: My dear husband would be in heaven if we had such a prolific peach tree. Alas, no peaches here except from the grocery store. You are blessed!

  16. i LOVE elizabeth goudge and am so excited you
    like her, too!

    after all that hard work, peeling peaches, i hope
    you get your reading time soon.


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