Just a Monday post. Not much going on here. I spent a good long time out in the garden fertilizing and watering and spaying soap on white flies. Then I fertilized all of my hydrangeas.
Last week I had to dead head all of my hydrangeas. The heat of the summer is really getting to them this year. It is one of the hardest things I do in the summer is remove all of the blooms. They are such nice plants and when I think of all of the years before that I tried and tried to grow them this makes me so happy.
My to do list, it very long today. So I will stop here. I hope this a nice week for you. As we are racing towards August.
Blessings from me to you,
I saw a joke on Facebook: Mercury's day is 1457 hours, or about the same as one Earth Monday.
The munchkins have discovered the candy vending machine, and now they can't wait to do jobs to get money to buy candy with. I got all my housework done in half the time!
They are so pretty it would be hard to pick off the blooms. I didn't check the weather network but I hope you are under a 100 today.
your blooms are SO pretty!
Hello, your flowers are amazing, so beautiful, Happy Monday, Francine.
Hope your weather is better today. Cooler, that is. I was thinking about you Saturday late evening...there was a skunk on my patio! YIKES! NEVER see skunks in the city...I watched carefully to make sure it got out of the yard.
I have two hydrangeas bushes that were my mothers growing and blooming in my front planter. I know NOTHING about caring for them. The blooms are looking a little sun worn or kind of brownish...should I remove them all now? I would be just sick if I lost them for any reason....hope you are having a good day!
There are hydrangeas in Amsterdam, too! I hope you went swimming today!
Your hydrangea bush is so pretty- Mine is just now coming back after two summers of drought, but no blooms yet. I hope I can save it.
The purple hydrangeas are gorgeous!! Good luck on your to do list, I hope most of the items were indoors!!
You're right...July is flying by! It can go fast, as far as I'm concerned...and take the hot humid weather with it! August can be worse, though, here! I hope your Monday is great, and your "to do" list gets shorter! :)
Your hydrangea is beautiful....They are one of my favorite flowers....I hope you get all your stuff done and can relax....
My hydrangea plants are big and healthy but we only had a few blooms...disappointing!
Your hydrangeas are so beautiful. Too bad that all the perennials blooms don't last as long as annuals but they sure put on a good show. The heat is really not doing them a favour. I love the anticipation of the new blooms and enjoy them for a short time and it time to cut off the dead blossom. It can be so time consuming.
July is almost gone and I find time is reeling out of control. I'll be getting old really fast unless I find something to make me bored. lol.
I hope that you'll have a good week and that the weather will cool some.
I hope you took time to take a breath today, Kim! Busy Mondays always get the week off to a running start!:-)
xo Nellie
The flowers are taking a beating this summer, because of the heat. I would love to grow Hydrangeas, yours look amazing...do you have any tips ;)
Your hydrangea is beautiful! Mine is looking so nice and healthy ... but not a single bloom yet this summer. :-(
Hope you had a little "down time" after doing all your chores.
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