
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday Thoughts

Adjusting to the new normal has been different in so many ways. Learning to be by myself again has been a challenge. Learning to be quiet and wait and not be so busy after being busy for so long is a different kind of place for me. Running ahead of God is my favorite place to live. Never mind all of the times I have to go back and undo some of the things I thought I wanted. When I first started blogging it was a new world. I found that what I wanted most in life was that button in my side bar that announced that I was a 10 minute rug hooker.

Rug hooking was a dream that I had long cherished. I had a rug hook and a pattern. What I wanted more than anything in the world was a wool cutter. I got the bright idea that I would save money and buy one. I remember the day I finally got enough money to buy one. As things happen, we needed the money for something else. Something more important. I cried all of the way to the bank and then I cried all the way home. Running ahead of God never turns out for the best. One morning I was walking listening to a pod cast and the man was reading through Hosea. If you aren't familiar with it, it is about a man who is told to marry a prostitute as a illustration of how unfaithful the nation of Israel was to the Lord.

As I was walking and the man was reading Hosea 2: 5-7 and all of  a sudden I realized this passage speaks of me. "Gomer was a harlot because she wanted more than what her husband had and was not content with her portion. She was not content in being a wife. So she got a job. The job that she saw provided her luxuries. She went after her lovers who provided her bread and her water and her wool and her flax and her oil and drink."

I stopped in my tracks and walked in the house. I got my Bible and looked it up and what I have found is that no one will know what is in my sneaky little mind, but God always does and calls me on the carpet.
At that time I wanted a wool cutter that bad. God in His Mercy told me no to what I wanted and as I knew in the deepest part of my soul, I could very easy forsake all I cared about, just like Gomer, for wool.

I gave that up and decided that I would wait for God and if He never wanted me to hook a rug again I wouldn't. I boxed up that dream and put it away. I went on with life. Then as you know a wonderful friend,
in God's time gave me more wool than I had ever seen, backing to make rugs a wool cutter and things to get  me started. I sat on the ground as I opened the box and wept over that wool, every time I use my cutter I am reminded of how good God is and why it is so much better to wait on Him.

I realized yesterday, that I am back to being Gomer again. Wanting to run ahead and not wait. Playing games and wanting to do my own thing. Instead of waiting for God I am trying to run ahead. You would think I would learn after all of these years. I need to be content with the place that I am and let God open doors instead of me trying to use a crowbar to jimmy the door frame.

" The willingness to be and to have just what God wants us to be and to have, nothing more, nothing less, would set our hearts at rest, and we would discover that the simpler the life the greater the peace."
( The Shaping of the Christian Family, p. 89)

I have time to think and when I was in a frenzied pace it was easy to ignore what weeds were cropping in my life. Now, I have to be pulling up the wrong thinking I have been doing in my life by the roots. Someday, I will learn.

Have a great Wednesday. Thank you for stopping by today.



  1. HI Kim,
    You are so ready to learn what the Lord would have you learn. I am very encouraged by that.
    (BIG HUG!)

  2. I can so relate to what you are saying. I have always had all kinds of wants and probabvly will till the day I die but I know if they are meant that my dreams will come true, it will happen at the right time. Not always as I had imagined it but better.

    One of my most precious gift is the gift of patience. (Well... sometimes I get impatient especially when I finally get to do what I longed to do for a long time, like starting hooking on a new rug, lol...


  3. i struggle with 'wanting' all the time. i waste so many hours of life that way.

  4. Powerful words from you today, Kim. Words I need to pay attention to. Thank you! xo

  5. Sorry...I also wanted to say what a picture these words painted..."let God open doors instead of me trying to use a crowbar to jimmy the door frame."

    A visual which will always be remembered. Again, thank you.

  6. Excellent posting today,Kim, thanks for reminding to wait on God, as His timing is perfect. I am still a work in progress!

  7. You already know what you need to Kim!!

  8. Kim,

    You are such an inspiration! I love how you tune in to God so closely and trust Him for the smallest of things! That's what it's all about!


  9. I feel like I've finally had all my prayers be answered. I'll be running ahead of God again soon, I'm sure, but right now my Proverbs study is keeping me balanced. I want to be wise, not a fool. And I don't want to tear down my own house with my hands.

  10. Your post today was so vital to me. I often try and show God what He needs to do and then wonder why I am sad. Your insight on Gomar was so relevant. Have a good day

  11. What a very important message ... thank you so much for sharing that, Kim.

    Love from your friend,
    Gomer (aka Kathy)

  12. It is good to slow down, be quiet, and listen to hear what God is saying. xo Nellie

  13. Oh Kim, how I thought when I was a young Christian that I would be SO sanctified by the time I was a 26 year old Christian! *sigh*... God has a way of showing us our own hearts, and we find sin in there we wouldn't have dreamt existed in our souls. How thankful I am that our God is so, so gracious, and patient, and tender in showing me my sin, then granting blessed forgiveness.

    Again and again ...

    I needed this tonight, Kim. Thanks,
    Anne x

  14. It really is hard to be patient that was a wonderful story glad you are now hooking.

  15. great illustration to a powerful truth.thanks for the reminder.

  16. Surely you wrote this for me !
    Excellent truth...
    So glad I found your blog. ;)

  17. Thank you for the reminder to put down the crowbar :) You always seem to send the right message to us at the right time. Have a great day (Its sunny here!!!)

  18. Very inspirational message and think we all, at some point, fit in that category as well. Glad you are hooking and finding a sense of calm in the process and using your gift from a friend.


  19. What a wonderful post. You are so in tuned to your surroundings and feelings. That's a gift from God for sure.

  20. I am soo glad I noticed that I missed this post as it was SUCH a good one, and really spoke to me. I am definitely a Gomer...always running, frequently using that crowbar. I am going to look that story up this morning. Thanks for sharing it! Enjoy your day sweet Kim!

  21. I could have skipped my devotions this morning. Kim, you spoke straight to the heart of me this morning. Thank you dear sister.

    Blessings, Debbie

  22. Ah yes. I, too, have stories of how perfect things are when I wait...too bad I keep running ahead. :) The quiet seems to suit you. My mind goes in all sorts of directions. Yours goes in the right direction.

  23. I can't count the times that a radio or tv message has zinged me. And don't get me started on church sermons...I think I must have a capital G on my forehead sometimes for "guilty as charged". But I always think it's better to hear and do something about it than to ignore the message completely.

  24. God's timing is so perfect.
    I needed to hear this too.
    My mind is just so crowded
    with my own plans, I hardly
    take the time to hear what
    god has in mind.


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