
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dyeing Wool and Odds and Ends

You know what I have decided? Any day dyeing wool is a good day. I think putting in a piece of wool and bringing it out a different color is just magic.
I bought a new pattern from Cathy at Red House Wool Studio. It is her 1820 Sunflower pattern.

I drew it out on my backing on Saturday.

I needed wool for it so yesterday, I dyed wool to go with it. Here is what came out of the dye pot.

I just loved the colors that I got this time. I think they will be fun to work with once I get there. I am still working on the cow rug.

Here is it so far.

I think it is a nice cow. It really is bigger than I anticipated. Either that or I am just very slow. I thought I would be done this week.

Well, last night the wire worked on a skunk. He spayed my chicken coop and the house smelled so bad it woke me up but no chickens lives were lost last night. The funny,hysterical,  sad thing was my husband didn't think the wire was working last night so he went down to check it last night and got shocked twice. It really should have been me because I had forgot to turn the thing off one day and I didn't get shocked so he thought it wasn't working. Then he found out it was.

Today is my son's birthday. He just told me to expect 10 for dinner tonight. Then tomorrow night he is having his birthday bash. Tomorrow night it will  be a swimming party/game night. I am so thankful for the people that are friends with my kids. It gives you hope for the world. Very nice and well mannered bunch of young people. I feel so thankful to be able to open and share our home.

Now, I have to get off and go do grocery shopping. I am glad he told me so early. He just wanted Monte Cristo sandwiches so that is easy to multiply.

Have a wonderful day,


  1. Your cow rug is just darling, she has love written all over.

    Cathy's Sunflower pattern will be fun to hook. I love how your colors turned out. I ripped out my mud puddle on my rug and I'm not too sure how to fix it but the idea will come at some point.

    You are back at being a mom today. Happy bBirthday to your son. Monte Cristo sandwiches sound very good.

    The sun is finnaly coming out and it's 1:02 PM
    Take care,

  2. It sounds like you'll have lots of laughter and fun at your house the next few days...happy birthday to your son! And by the way...what are Monte Cristo sandwiches? :)
    I agree with Julia, your cow rug is great! Looks just like a Holstein!

  3. Those colors will look great with Cathy's sunflower. The cow looks amazing. Is that a heart I see in one of the spots?
    Well, although your son didn't give you much notice, its nice he didn't have a huge menu request :)
    Poor Ron, but good for the chickens

  4. Oh! The cow is wonderful!! She's so cute!! I love it. :D And I really like that teal that you got. That will be really pretty in your flower. 10 for dinner? Just like old times! Haha.

  5. i like the sweet holstein. :) and i hope that skunk learns to stay away!

  6. I love the cow rug, too! What a determined skunk!
    How fun to have the party at your house! Happy birthday to your son!
    Don't worry. I am going to get to Anne very soon!

  7. Oh your work...always inspiring. Instead of sewing I am researching how to clean faster so I am more productive at my clients homes, who knew it was different do other's homes?

    Never a dull minute at your home with all your children and grands. Yeah! another event to celebrate and I am sure you are still in the after glow of the wedding.
    Hugs and have a great weekend

  8. Good grief, how many skunks are after your chickens? Could a trapper get them? It sounds like a bad infestation. That's hilarious about Dad getting shocked. I love the way the cow is coming along!

  9. I must have missed something (I will check back) because I DO know about the skunk problem, but I missed something I think on the electric fence. Pesky critters! I LOVE that your son can tell you to expect 10 for dinner and you don't blink an eye! How wonderful that you obviously always make all their friends so welcome. And your right, what a blessing the right friends are in their lives. Happy birthday to your son! Oh, and loving your rugs! I have a feeling your love of wool and hooking, is like mine for fabric and sewing. I have been busy this week. Enjoy the rest of your day!

  10. Well, you're going to have fun tonight and tomorrow night! I always loved it when my kids brought friends home with them. Made me happy that they wanted to bring them...happy that their friends wanted to come! I'm sure you feel the same way!

  11. Kim,
    so glad to see you are starting the sunflower rug! My goodness you sure get a lot done! I love the colors you dyed too!
    Skunks and electric wires!!?? You sure have some fun there on the farm! LOL! Bet hubby has had all the fun he wants for awhile though! LOL!
    Hope you find some time to relax and hook a little... after the festivities!
    Cathy G

  12. The cow is such a happy looking girl. I also like that the cow has a large presence in your rug. The contrasting black and white looks lovely. Ha ha ha... I can't help that I'm glad the skunk was shocked.

  13. Maybe the skunk will spread the word.

    Wonderful art and I love the new colors.

  14. Happy birthday to your son! Wow! Ten for dinner! It sounds like a great party! xo Nellie

  15. Love your new flower design and the beautiful wool you dyed for it !!
    There IS something magical about the dye kettle. ;)

  16. lot's of fun stuff, coming your way!! i think your's is the "fun" house in the neighborhood!!

  17. Ten guest at the drop of a hat-I'd panic. I guess you are used to it with your children still around!
    You have obviously made your home welcoming, Kim, or those great kids wouldn't want to come.

  18. I love that cow rug ... and those are such pretty colors for the sunflower.

  19. At least he told you before they just showed up. LOL I can't wait to see your sunflower rug! I know it's going to be lovely. Happy birthday wishes to your son!


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