
Monday, April 8, 2013

Windy Day

It is a nice windy day today. One of the first so far this year. Now the rest of the trees will wake up. I find my eyes straying to the windows as I watch the trees dance as the new leaves shimmer in the morning light. I am having a teacher-service-day. I gave Peter the day off so he can help his sister and brother-in-law load the truck in anticipation of the move. I am keep the kids today. Then tonight they will spend the night here so they can drive to Arizona bright and early in the morning.

Tomorrow Peter goes to take his placement tests for college. I guess I will be waving good bye a lot in the morning. Our 33 Anniversary is on  Friday. I did so want to go out of town this year. It won't be this year though, maybe next year. We are going to plant flowers. Flats and flats of flowers.

Are you impressed yet that I haven't gone all philosophical on you? I thought I would tell you about my new vacuum cleaner. Yep, I sprang for one on the day I left my charge card at the feed store. Maybe it happened like that because I was so excited about the new vacuum. It is a very nice little machine. I didn't think so when I first bought it. Well, because I didn't read the owners manual. I couldn't wait to use it so once my son got it all put together I started vacuuming. I was so disappointed. It wouldn't pick up dog hair. I tried and tried and ended up having to take the hose off to get it to pick it up. I was so glad I hadn't got rid of the behemoth that I still have in the closet. So I was using two when I cleaned, one on the tile and one on the carpet. Then one day I noticed a button on the side that I hadn't seen before. I pushed it down with my foot.
The beater bar came on and now I don't have to use two vacuums. Then this weekend I was cleaning the stairs, and I noticed there was a attachment I hadn't used before. Wow, that one is amazing you can't believe how clean my stairs got with that. I still haven't read the owners manual. Just think what I will find when I finally do that.

It is a beautiful Monday after all. I will leave with one thought today. "Jesus slept on a pillow in the midst of a raging storm. How could He? Because He slept in the calm assurance that His Father was in control. His was a quiet heart." ( Keep a Quiet Heart p.17)

Today I choose to look around at me at the 33 years that have gone before me and never once have I been alone. Always my life is guided by an unseen hand. Like I always knew when I took that vow before witnesses, life just always works out. My life has been full of  more adventure than I ever dreamed and still it is full of more dreams to come. They may not be as I hoped, but God has way better plans for me than I can even imagine. Today, I will see that glass not half full or half empty but full to over flowing into my lap.

I will be brave.


  1. Praying for your braveness here, Kim... your blog post today was very heartfelt.

  2. I had to laugh a little at the opening to your're glad for a windy day! We're so glad to finally have a still day! Spring has arrived!!

    I hope you have a great day, enjoying your grand kids, and that tomorrow finds not just waving good bye, but some wonderful moments in it for you all!

  3. I can't believe they're really going. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Shoot, I think of you every day! So, I'll think of you extra tomorrow. :) I bought a new vacuum in November and I LOVE it! No one is allowed to touch it- and I don't mind that I'm the only one vacuuming. 33 years. Wow. That's a long time. And yet, if flew by, didn't it? Amazing.

  4. your kids will be fine. you have to trust that THEY are being guided, just as you have.

  5. it's been so windy here also, all the way on this side of the u.s.

    i always try to see the glass overflowing too!!

  6. You are always making me laugh with your adventures, This time was about warming up to your new vacuum cleaner a little more each time you used it. It's like getting a free gift each time you use it. Ha,ha,ha. I'm glad that you are loving your new toy and feel satisfied.

    Seeing the kids go away is always bittersweet. They are young and look forward to new beginnings but for us mothers, it's more emotional and we worry a lot. Enjoy your grandkids.

    I love seeing all the beautiful flowers on your trees and gardens. I can't get enough of those colors.


  7. I will never, ever get excited about a vacuum cleaner (until they come with a person attached to it, to actually DO the vacuuming) I really dislike that chore.
    Let that wind blow all your worries away! You will be brave and excited for the new opportunities that await them.

  8. I am enjoying the wind too. And I certainly understand the excitement over the new vacuum. Still loving mine over here as well (though I have not been vacuuming as much as when I first got it, haha) I will be thinking and praying for you tomorrow. Been there and done that, and know it isn't easy. But also know He WILL see you through. Enjoy your day!

  9. My daughter called me and talked for 25 minutes about her new vacuum... she was so thrilled she could hardly stand it. She felt like NOW her house is clean!! :)

    I understand your heart during these goodbye waves Kim. I had yet another one last summer, and it was hard. It's so good that we know He is in every hello and goodbye, and understands our hearts in every detail.

    Praying for NEW opportunities as you say goodbye to some old ones. God always has more up His sleeve for us! :)

  10. I do the same thing when I buy something new. I start using before I read the directions.

    Your kids will do fine, just keep having the faith.

  11. I gave it another try, Kim, and was able to read your blog! I'm so happy I did! Happy Anniversary to you!
    This is a day of much work at your place. I am sending you hugs as you experience all that is happening in the next few weeks!

    xo Nellie

  12. An uplifting post! So happy your new vac works is certainly frustrating when they don't! 33 years...quite an accomplishment.Congrats!!

  13. Hmmm. I hope the goodbyes feel super hopeful. I do hate goodbyes.
    I love a good vacuum cleaner. I need one!
    Happy anniversary, Kim! (BIG HUG!)

  14. Oh holding you in my heart through all these transitions! I just had to laugh about you talking about the vacuum cleaner...some times those are the things that keep us from just crying.
    Yes changes coming your way! Hang in there.
    Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Congratulations on the 33 years ... what memories you created during those 33 years.

    Praying for you today, dear one.

  16. Happy Anniversary! Do enjoy anyway you can, these days 33 years is an accomplishment for sure.Not many stay married that long anymore.Many Blessings!

    It's always fun to get new appliances like a vacuum or washer, dryer it makes cleaning a lil more exciting I think.

    Lots-lots of flowers sound so wonderful, work yes but in the end so dreamy.


  17. At least, you were able discover each button one at a time without a manual. It's much better than not learning about it. Although the manual may appear complicated, I suggest reading it. This'll guide you around the vacuum should you encounter a problem. :)

    -Deidra Schaefer


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