
Friday, April 12, 2013

A Rug Finish

This week has been so incredibly busy and filled with so much life. Today I do feel like I am sliding in sideways. Emilie and Nik went down and got the marriage license yesterday. My other daughter and her family are moved in their new place in Arizona. This weekend we start planting flats and flats of flowers. The invitations go out next week and Em's wedding shower is next week too. I did manage to get a rug finished this week.

It is the first of my chicken rugs. I need to finish the edges, and then it will be all finished. Hooking is so comforting and quieting to my mind.

I also wanted to mention a new business for my friends who live here in Bakersfield. My very good friend and book dealer Robin just opened a new book store. It is called Bookhounds It is located at 4000 Fruitvale Avenue, Bakersfield Calfornia.
 When I was home schooling the kids I bought most of my books from Robin's garage. That was where her store was then. I am so excited she has a brick and mortar store now. I will have to go visit very soon. I have so many of her books I bet they still have the prices in them from when I bought them years ago. She was such a good resource and every thing I ever learned about books collectable and rare books I learned from her. Not to mention she is just around the corner from me and I could walk there and hopefully not carry books home like I used to do.

Thanks for stopping by today,



  1. Rachel was talking about that store the other day. She said she found it while they were in the area and that we needed to go there because it was awesome!

    I love your chicken rug! It turned out great! I like your orange blossom picture at the top of your blog too. :)

    I almost done with Enoch, and it's been such a great read. There were a few nights where I stayed up to 11 because I was glued to the pages. ;)

  2. I'm glad you got your rug finished. You do quick work! Such a cute chicken!

  3. LOVE your happy spring chicken rug! and good luck to your friend with the store!

  4. The chicken rug is so pretty!

    I love book stores. I wish I could hop out to California and check it out.

  5. The chicken rug is adorable! Love it! And I think I know where your heart is at with the daughter in Arizona, so I have been praying for you. How exciting that the wedding is getting closer. Flats and flats of flowers sounds good too. I bet everything will be just gorgeous. I didn't realize you were in Bakersfield. One of my daughter's best friends family moved up there a couple of years ago. They are dairy people. Boshma's is there name. Don't know them do you? Good luck to your friend with her book store. Enjoy your week-end!

  6. Hi Kim!
    Your chicken rug is adorable! I love it! Way to go!
    I can't wait to see the flowers!

  7. I like your chicken rug, it cool!

  8. I can imagine the beauty it will be when all those flowers will be in full bloom.
    Love the chicken rug.
    Just when I think of planting seeds in trays, we've just been warned about another snow storm starting this evening. close to 6 inches.
    I promised myself that I will not complain for spring anymore as I know giving birth takes a lot of hard work and Mother Nature is trying her best. It will happen and the grass will turn green. Pushing all those buds through tough bark takes time and the wet weather softens the bark I would think.

    Enjoy your weekend Kim,

  9. the rug is totally cute and I adore book stoves; heck, I adore books no matter what kind of store they're located.

  10. I would say that you have had a very busy week, Kim. How much fun it would be to while away the time in that bookstore! xo Nellie

  11. The chicken rug turned out great. You are a speedy hooker. Tonight I dug all my stuff out, got ready to cut wool, looked at everything and put it all away again. Just wasn't in the mood.

  12. I love going to bridal showers. I always have. Maybe its because I enjoy being home so much. I love anything to do with kitchen stores and linens. I can't wait to hear how it went and some of the gifts she will receive. The chicken rug is lovely.

  13. That rug is awesome! I love bookstores. ;)

  14. I'm so glad you have been able to find some time to work on your rug ... I know how calming and relaxing it is for you, which is something you need now especially. The rug is beautiful - I love it!


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