
Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook February Edition

I am taking part in The Simple Woman's Daybook today. Thank you for stopping by today.

Outside my window...The wind is blowing and the wind chimes are muttering to itself. The meadowlarks are singing in the field across the way and the song sparrows and announcing spring is here for all of the world to hear.

I am thinking...that I am glad for rain. I am looking forward to the clouds and the wind and the rain because it means I can stay inside and sew.

I am thankful...that today is Sunday, that God gives us rest. I am thankful for His provision in my life, even when I don't understand, I know that He does and He holds my hand.

In the kitchen...Cooking for 4 this week feels like nothing. I still don't know how to cook for 4 I am still cooking for an army.

I am wearing... Sweats, and a purple shirt and white tennis shoes.

I am creating...I have a rug I need to finish today. My next rug is all drawn out, but I will have to dye wool for that one. I have missed my dye pot.

I am be busy next week will all kinds of life.

I am wondering...if I can be nice today. PMS is raging and R. is sick. Not a good combination. I think I should just go walk 20 miles today.

I am reading... God is an Englishman by R.L. Delderfield and Folly by Laurie R. King.

I am hoping...My kids that are at snow camp are having fun and keeping safe.

I am looking forward to... June

I am learning... I can push myself further than I think I can.

Around the house...We cleaned about 800 square feet of tile this week. I have about the same amount left to do not counting 3 bathrooms and my laundry room.

I am pondering...When can I start the flowerbeds and how long before it is warm enough.

A favorite quote for today...Time is a created thing and a gift. We can't make any more of it; we can only receive it and be faithful stewards in the use of it." (Discipline, The Glad Surrender.)

One of my favorite things...Watching the sun set in the evenings.

A few plans for the rest of the week: P. last behind the wheel with an instructor. Em's dress will be ready to pick up. Lots of other things.

A peek into my day...It will be a nice day as long as I keep a civil tongue in my head.

This picture is from last year. This year it has been all plowed.

Thank you for reading along today. Have a great day.



  1. I loved all your answers today. I bet you are really looking forward to June. It will be warm soon enough. :)

    Hey, I changed my blog name but I don't think it's updating the feed. I think I broke it... it's still at, or the new blogger address is

  2. the wind is raging here today! spring winds!

    laughed out loud on the pms and the 20 mile walk. i'm about to go get changed and go get some outdoor exercise myself. :)

  3. I get such a warm feeling when I read your words Kim... I think sitting in your home would be the same way. Cozy and comfortable.

  4. Very, very nice Kim!! A purple shirt, I think we are bbf's, surprise, I am wearing purple also!

    I love Sundays, there is just something so peaceful about them!

  5. 800 square feet? No wonder Dad's sick! I'm with you on the PMS thing, though. It's so hard not to mouth off every time I say something.

    I'm so looking forward to this rainstorm this week.

  6. I always enjoy reading more tipbits about you and your life....It would be fun to sit on your porch and talk more....I hope this week goes smoothly as you work your way through it.....

  7. One blessing of being 62 is no more PMS (although I think DH is happier about that than I am - ha!). I love reading these little insights into your life ... thanks for sharing!

  8. Kim, loved reading about your day and thoroughly agree about keeping a civil tongue...some days it's easier, or is that more difficult, than others...? -grin-

  9. I enjoy reading these! 800 square feet, with lots more to go...oh my! More power to ya'! My floors are begging desperately to be cleaned, but I've got too much on my plate just now. My hubby is one week post op for a hernia repair, and so we're all picking up the slack in the barn and trying to keep him from doing too much!

  10. Isn't it funny how cooking for a large number becomes a hard habit to break. I still over buy on deli meat and bread. I love when you show photos of your land. You guys take such wonderful care of it.

  11. I always enjoy the daybook- especially when you do it! You give me a sense of calm and peace. Even when you talk about PMS and the busy-ness of life.


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