
Friday, December 7, 2012

Jury Duty

I didn't want you to think I had suddenly took off for parts unknown. I am in the second day of jury selection. So I am sitting in a courtroom with 80 other people. It takes a long time to question each one. I expect to be there all day today. The walk to the court house is about a mile from where jurors have to park. The leaves are all still red and yellow. The street is littered with color. I got to stand and watch a train pass yesterday while I waited to cross the tracks. The judge really cares about his job. The people are very nice and no one wants to be there at Christmas time. The attorneys look about 12 and 15 They aren't of course, but I feel ancient.
If I get picked for a juror, the trial won't be over until December 21st. I am trying very hard to be a happy camper and as I read today, if Moses didn't step down to the red sea, he wouldn't seen the miracle that God would do, so I am trying to have that attitude.

Well, time to assemble my things and go to the courthouse.

Have a lovely day, and I am glad it is Friday.



  1. Hi Kim, I hope that you don't stress too much about this selection of juror. I know that you are better on the side of the juror than on the side of the accused.

    If you get chosen, then we will probably not hear from you for a while once the trial start. Lets hope that it will go quickly.

    Just in case you get selected, my prayers are with you.

  2. oh, good luck in NOT getting selected! i know it is a privilege to serve in our justice system, but it is hard, too!

  3. It is hard sitting on a jury (been there and done that) but if you are chosen it will all work out. I liked your reference to Moses and the Red Sea.

  4. The only time I received a summons for jury duty, I didn't have to sit on the jury. Now I'm told that my "magic age" will prohibit me from being called again.:-) Wishing you the best, Kim! xo Nellie

  5. Hope all goes smoothly and speedily in the case and that perhaps you might not be called!
    God bless anyhow!

  6. I hate jury duty and I do not have a good attitude about it. At all. Around here, the lawyers are good 'ol boys and most of them are old. They walk around downtown Charleston in their seersucker suits and talk like those good 'ol southern boy lawyers in the movies. It's rare to find one who possesses a modicum of integrity and trials are all about which one can BS better than the other. Disgusting. I hope it doesn't interfere with your Christmas spirit! Keep up the good attitude! Maybe it'll rub off on me.

  7. I know it's our civic duty to serve and all that BUT I hope you didn't get picked and used all my tricks! Being committed for jury duty until dec 21 would push me over the edge.

  8. You have such a lovely attitude.:)

  9. Kim...I do so love the way you see things. I need to find my way back to where I was...thinking I've been led a bit astray. You are such a bright spot in my you!

  10. Too bad it's such a cold gloomy day, or the long walk might be nice. At least you're getting your exercise in, right? I froze my tail off all day long.

  11. Well you certainly have the right attitude, but is it wrong to hope you might escape? Hope all goes well either way. Enjoy your week-end!

  12. I appreciate your attitude. I know the timing is lousy, but I would sure want someone like you on the jury if I were on trial!! Hubby got a summons this week for January...not a great time for him the middle of his seasonal retirement job. We will have to see how that works out!

  13. I served on a grand jury for 6 weeks and once I started it was very interesting and I don't regret it. So if you are selected I hope you'll find the experience at least very interesting. It's not always easy - that is for sure.

  14. I have never served on a jury, but one time I was scheduled for Federal Court in Boston and had to call every Friday afternoon for weeks to see if they needed me on Monday. I did not want to be picked! I bet you won't have to serve. It's just that its such a busy time of year.

  15. You are a good citizen and one that we all teach our children about! I have never served on jury or been called in. I am sure you are teaching more to your kids about how our system works than in any book...and I do pray it is over sooner than they think or that you don't have to serve, but I am proud of you!

  16. Timing is everything. Your are a good citizen doing a good deed, but at Christmas? we are stressed out enough or at least I am. Thinking of you, I am headed to the Mall, ugh...can you tell I am not a mall person. Have a most enjoyable weekend, Blessings, Julie.

  17. I would not enjoy jury duty now because of Christmas, and all you need to do to prepare for that! I am exempt from jury duty for life because I have multiple sclerosis!


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