
Friday, December 14, 2012

Happy Friday

Happy Friday!!! I am so glad it is Friday and it is this Friday. Not yesterday and not last week. I have to say that I begged God to not be on jury duty last week. Begged, promised, pleaded.  Last week my husband quoted this to me. " A thorn in the flesh was given to me...I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me."
ll Corinthians 12: 7-8

Then I read this: It's a mercy of God that He says no to many of our prayers because He loves us, and He knows that the prayer we're praying would lead to disaster." 

It was good that God said No to me. It gave me back my vision of being thankful again in all things. It showed me the little things that I had been taking for granted. He showed me how to stop, slow down and gave me eyes to see all of the blessings. You see I had gotten myself to a place where I was complaining more than I was praising.

Last week, I took time to sit and hook a rug while my soon to be married daughter to knitted. We drank tea, and coffee and listened to music. We both knew we had things to go do, but knowing that after a week at jury duty and things didn't get done but the world didn't stop spinning. So we made time. Next Christmas she will be in her own house, doing her own things so gone will be this time we shared this week.

 Every thing yesterday with the hot water heater went smoothly. It was all in and we had hot water by lunch time. We did have to have a plumber come out because the turn off valve broke and my husband had never seen anyone "sweat a valve," before. He knows now. The nice man who came last year came this time. My husband asked how much it would be if he did the water heater. My husband and the boys were very happy by how much money they saved by doing it themselves. I was so thankful about that.

Today is hack-roses-back-to-sticks-day. Poor things but it is that day. I always think while I am doing my roses that God has to keep doing this to me. He chops back the vine that isn't producing flowers. He cuts those limbs that have become full of thorns. He sees the little buds if given the chance could become a beautiful bloom, but in order for it to turn into a beautiful rose, He must continue trimming, and cutting and shaping. So He continues to give me trials, and keeps me going in the direction He has for me. I know that I need to keep my eyes on the prize rather than my own comfort.

I have always longed to be as Mary was when she was told she would be the mother of the Son of God.

" I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. " May it be to me as you have said."
" Luke 1:38"

I wish someday, I could have that kind of faith.
Have a great Friday too,


  1. O for grace to trust Him more!
    I need to look for the lessons around me.
    watch out for the thorns as you prune!

  2. yes, He is so good....,,
    weekend hugs!

  3. i like your comparison of god hacking you back when needed. :)

  4. I won't be pruning my roses until February or March, but you can be assured that I will keep your analogy in my mind as I do. ;-)

    Thanks, too, for the reminder that God's "no" is perfect ... that His "no" can bring about even better/greater things than a "yes" would have.

    So glad you have hot water again (not on the floor - ha!) and that thanks to your hubby, you were able to save a good bit of money.

  5. Being sick has made me thankful for things like being able to talk. I feel like every morning I get up with praises on my mind, because God's been so gracious to us.

  6. I'll be thinking of you next spring when I cut back my rosebushes too.
    I'm glad that you have a thankful and praising heart and glad that you have lots of hot water.

    I'm so sad about the shooting at an elementary school in Newtown Connecticut with 18 children and 8 adults all dead this morning.
    Prayers goes out to the families and the town. Why, why, why?

    I'm thinking of the poor families and the victims. The reaping has begun, or rather continues.

  7. I think it's time to trim my personal rose.

  8. God has His own pruning shears. :)

  9. Such a lovely post- I thought you maybe posted pictures of your roses as a reminder to stop and smell the roses---like you did by spending time with your daughter. A faith like Mary's---I don't know that I'll ever get mine to that level. Too many people getting in the way.

  10. Empty Nester has a good idea about stopping to smell the roses. Have a good weekend and don't catch any thorns while you are hacking :)


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