
Friday, November 23, 2012

Just Some Photos

I hope you had a wonderful day. It was busy around here but a nice time. I did manage to get a few photos. Not many mind you. I hope that the girls did better than I did yesterday.

That is me holding our youngest grand baby. We had to take it fast because he did not like the moose antlers. Megan is standing in the back.

My Daughter's in-laws gave her a cotton candy machine so she wanted to use it yesterday. The kids had been outside playing Zombies with soon-to-be Uncle Nik. They came in for a bit of cotton candy to give them strength.

 Here are the kids when they finally got to eat. I think I am going to have to get a bigger table when Munchie is big enough to eat with the big kids.
I invited Nik's Mom to have Thanksgiving at our house. I will always carry in my mind the picture of when she first walked in the house. The kitchen was filled with people and the cotton candy machine was making cotton candy and people were laughing and talking and I had warned her that it might not be what she is used to and she turned and looked at me with her eyes shining and she said, " Oh my goodness, I had no idea." I laughed and told her " I warned you." She said " Oh but it is so good!" It was it was so good.
I made too many mashed potatoes. I guess 20 pounds of potatoes was a bit much. I just didn't want to run out. But other than that it was a wonderful, delightful day.

Today, I am resting. I might even wear pajamas all day.

Have a great day,


  1. Kim, I love Nik's Moms reaction. Its exactly what I would have thought myself. Yes, you need to get a bigger table for Munchie, but the photos are wonderful.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful family time together! I love the kids all eating together at their little picnic table - especially the littlest tot on the end ready to take a big bite!
    God bless

  3. How I remember eating with the kids at the "kids table"... your pictures brought back good memories!

  4. Sweet.
    I am resting, too. Tea and toast.

  5. How wonderful to have all the kids together. There are so many of them. I love Nik's mom comment.

    Imagine, a home Cotton Candy machine... this must have been fun for the kids and maybe some grown up too. I've never saw one that size.

    I can imagine all the noise and laughter. It's beautiful.

    I'm sure that you earned a full day of rest in your PJ's.

  6. What a fun and memorable day for all those kids!
    Cotton candy on Thanksgiving day, what a fun Grandma you are!

  7. What a great bunch of kids! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  8. It was a great day! I didn't even bring my camera, so it's up to K. ;) I'm terrible about taking pictures. I kind of wondered about the potatoes. You can freeze mashed potatoes and just bring them out and reheat them later when you need them.

  9. Cotton candy to give them strength...sounds like they will LOVE coming to Grandma's house even more now! :) Glad you had a great day with family! (my camera never even made it out of my purse!!)

  10. Kim,
    What an adorable bunch of little people!! Don't they liven up the place and I bet they will want to come to Grannie's place for every Holiday! A cotton candy machine!! That is so neat!!!!
    It's hard to get photos when you are so busy.... esp. fixing all those potatoes!! You did a great job! I can imagine Nik's Mom's surprise! That is so sweet!!!
    Rest up kid!! You deserve a pajama day!!!
    Cathy G

  11. It was such a nice evening! I wish I could have seen the moment with Nik's mom, but I was twirling cotton candy for dear life and couldn't turn around. I think that cotton candy machine added a nice burst of magic to the evening. :-)

  12. I hope you are enjoying today, Kim. Have you been able to wear your pajamas all day?:)

    xo Nellie

  13. oh, this made me smile . . . all those grandbabies
    playing zombies in the back yard.

  14. Ah, your Thanksgiving just made me smile ... especially the part about Nik's mom coming into the kitchen.

    We made 15 lbs. of mashed potatoes ... for 10 people. ;-) What can I say ... my SIL LOVES mashed potatoes! ;-)

    Were you able to wear your PJs all day? I think tomorrow might be my PJs day! ;-)

  15. Kim, you are so blessed. What a precious group of grandchildren. Yours is a house where wonderful memories are being made, I can hear the laughter now! I hope my response to your post finds you in your PJ'S, I for one am just coming out of a turkey and pie coma!!! The new header photo is just beautiful...hugs, Julie.

  16. i LOVE p.j. days.....the blog looks great and i adore the picture of your home!!

  17. I knew when I came by today that I would see beautiful family memories being made! I was not disappointed either. Nik's Mom, says it best "This is so good".
    Enjoy your day.

  18. Oh what fun! Enjoy your rest from the Big Feast.

  19. What wonderful memories!!!
    20# of potatoes??? That's a whole lot of potatoes.
    Pug hugs :)

  20. Kim, love your header photo and so glad y'all had a good Thanksgiving. No shopping for me yesterday; I try and limit the craziness I allow into my life.


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