
Monday, November 19, 2012

Christmas Ideas

I know with Thanksgiving this week, I should be talking about that but I thought I would share some Christmas gift ideas today. The first one can be done all year and then put together for the first of December, but I am not that well organized.
I have done this a few times and I think I end up more blessed that the people who received the gifts.
I am sure it has a cute name too but of course I don't know it.
When I did this for my Mom my Dad had been sick and I thought she needed a little reminder of how much I loved her and how I loved her for all of the million sacrifices she made daily.

I got a big basket and I filled it with 25 gifts. Just small ones like candles and napkins and tea towels and I gave her At Home in Mitford. As it closer to Christmas I gave her more and more personal gifts. I didn't want her to know it was me so I left my name off of everything but of course she figured it out. I wrote a poem on each card. Every morning after they knew it was me my parents would call me and tell me what they thought. This morning I was thinking about it and I am so glad that I took the time to do that.

As my life got busier and busier when all of the kids were at home and I was so involved with so many things, I realized that I was not visiting with my grandparents and as they got older the days began slipping too fast through my fingers. I tried to think of something that I could give that would make me go visit. So I came up with the idea that on the 25th of each month I would take them dinner. I would plan it so that I could go over and visit with them and spend the day like that. The first year was very nice. Then for a few years that was what they wanted every year. I would try different recipes but one time I made my enchiladas and that became their favorite so that was what they asked for the most.

 I am so thankful that those years what I gave was the gift of time. It was hard sometimes to get all six kids in the car with the food and get over there in one piece and to spend the time with my grandparents. When they got sick it went so fast, they passed away two weeks apart so then that chapter closed. I never make enchiladas now.

I have never done this but I tell myself every year I am going to do this. I love socks. I always think that I will get themed socks and give them for next year. 12 pair, but I never think of it in time or I have missed say Valentines day. So one of these years I will remember and do that too.

One of the things I try to do is keep margin in my life during the holidays. If someone says, can we get together? If I am so wrapped up in my own things I will miss those golden moments or divine appointments.
I think at the holidays I have to have wisdom about what is good and what is important. Sharing of my time is more important than what is under the tree.

I just thought I would share some of the things that have made me think of how I can leave the world just a tiny bit better. We can change our world every day, we do it one life at a time. I always wanted to be a missionary, and since God hadn't called my husband to be one too, I thought it would be easier to reach out to those whom God brings into my life daily. Each day one smile is worth a thousand words. Especially to those people behind the counter.

Have a wonderful day,


  1. I love these, Kim! How precious is what you did for your grandparents! The gift of time just can't be beat! Thanks for sharing!

    God bless,

  2. Kim, those are wonderful suggestions! So great you got to spend time with your folks! I think you are right, sometimes there just gets to be too much, and we need some space among the business. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

  3. Thanks for a inspiring post. I love the idea of a personal small gift for every day of the month! And your monthly dinner with your grandparents was a lovely tradition.

    I agree with trying to reach out to people in your own community, even with smile for the clerks at the store.

    The other day, I was on the phone with a customer service worker and he sounded so miserable with a cold. I told him it must be terrible to have to talk all day with such a bad cold, and he thanked me and said he was having a hard time. I told him to take good care of himself and that I hoped he felt better soon. He was so grateful - so often I treat those folks like robots! The personal, caring touch is always the best!

  4. you are so precious! i love your 25 days of
    CHristmas giving and that you took your
    grandparents dinner every 25th of the month.

    i would love to have your enchilada recipe
    and wonder if you should make it every 25th
    of the month as a memorial.

    i give advice that i can't take myself, not having
    visited my grandmother's town since her death.
    too painful, still.

  5. You don't have to leave the country to be a missionary! I like those ideas, they are really nice. I think sometimes it is a lot easier to give time than gifts, and sometimes it is harder.

  6. These are great ideas Kim! I wish my Grandparents were still here to do this for...but I could sure do it for my parents!!

  7. Great ideas, Kim! Thank you for sharing them with us. I believe I will actually put some of them into practice! xo Nellie

  8. Those are such great ideas. I remember all those things as different, disconnected things, so it's nice to read it all together like this. We're visiting with some friends from out of town today, so this falls into line with how my thoughts have been running. :-)

  9. You are a missionary right in your own home, to your family first and to the many blogging friends. It may not be official but we all know you pretty well I think.

    I love your idea of every 25th day of the month gift of dinner and your time.

    The 25 gifts in a basket reminds me of the Sunshine Gift Basket for the sick, where every day for 30 days they can open one little gift.

    I think that it would be a great way to remember your grandparents to make enchiladas in memory of them on the 25th of November.

    Have a great week.

  10. Such a wonderful idea! Time slips by so quickly.. and we get so busy with our lives we often over look things that need/should be done.

    You are very kind :)


  11. Great reminders to all, and you ARE a missionary!

  12. I love all of your ideas but I especially love the one where you made dinner for your grandparents on the 25th of each month. What a wonderful idea! I bet they looked forward to that all month! Enjoy every minute of your Thanksgiving Kim with your sweet family as you count His many, many blessings. HUGS!

  13. Great ideas, Kim! For a couple years, I did a "cookie-gram" for Christmas for my mom and step-dad. They were difficult to buy for and lived 400 miles away. Each month they received their choice of my homemade cookies sent on the mail.

  14. Completely marvelous ideas! the question becomes how to do this when they live far away....It's a great reminder to not take life and relationships for granted.

  15. What a sweet post! I love the dinner on the 25th idea!

  16. You're a precious person. Time is a wonderful gift, and it is getting to be rare these days. Everyone seems so busy anymore. I enjoyed this post. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  17. I am so glad that I read your post this morning. I feel inspired to do something kind today. Something that really reaches someones soul. You have such a wonderful, kind and good spirit.

  18. This post is full of wisdom...yes giving of our time! In a world which uses the words, "I am so busy" all the time, no matter what, time truly is a gift we can all give. Thanks for the precious reminder by recounting how you have given time and gifts to enrich other's lives...
    I enjoyed this piece a lot!

  19. We don't have to leave our homes to go to far-away lands to become missionaries ... we can reach out to those in our lives, changing hearts here at home.

    These gift ideas are so beautiful. You've inspired me once again.


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