
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday Twaddle

It is hard to write about fall when it is 94 degrees today and triple digits expected for the weekend. I am trying though to think cool thoughts. The mornings are nice.

I worked on a sheep rug this weekend just because it is fast and I like it on top of my stove. This is the second time I have made this pattern. It is from Buttermilk Basin.

It is fast and it is fun and putting it here just makes me happy. I am finding that with school this year, my sewing time is really limited. I am working on the last September Word play and having a hard time with it.

I dug out my Halloween rug today. Gosh I love that rug. I think I need to do it again.

 I took a picture of the stove that I am looking forward to using someday. Do you notice the boomerang? For some reason that is where it lives in the house. I guess for a place to grab on the way out of the door.
At least they don't keep the 3 man slingshot here.

I was outside taking care of the chickens and I took my I  Pod.  Do you ever think that sometimes there are fairy's or brownies or sprites that wait until I go to bed and then like today mess with my I Pod? I put on a play all songs selection. I have Beatles on there, I hate the Beatles I was walking around listening to Lucy in The Sky with Diamonds. Nice words though. I liked all of the words and I wished I could draw, I would love to draw all of those words and all of those colors.
I know my kids are always giving me music but they know how I feel about the Beatles. I know it feels almost like I am saying bad words saying that but I was never a fan. I liked Bread. My kids put the Rolling Stones on one day when we were driving. I wanted to get out and walk. I can't understand why they like that old music. They like Queen for goodness sake. I just want to cry.
I was really wanting to listen to The Ashokan Farewell. What a great piece of music.

Well,  I am burning dinner in the oven so I better get off the computer. I hope your Wednesday is wonderful.


Anyway, I told you this was twaddle at the beginning.


  1. Oh no, now you've done it. Now all the comments will be, "OMG! You don't like the Beatles? I'm unfollowing you!"

    That is funny that they keep loading you up with music, hoping to convert you. :-D

  2. It would be hard to feel fallish with 94 degrees. Sheesh, too hot. I knew your kids were great. They like Queen....awesome!

  3. i'd like to ride with your kids. :)

  4. You don't like the Beetles?. I thought that they were so cool, way back then. I don't listen to music much any more but I still like the Beetles.

    Hugs, JB

  5. I confess I had to look up the definition of the word twaddle, thank you Kim I learned something new today. I have never been a fan of the Beetles, the only song I liked was Revolution which you hardly ever hear on the radio. Do you know we have the same model woodstove? mine is black however. Temperatures dipping in the thirties this evening! I guess this means I had better dig out the girls heat lamp. I love your rug, hope the weather begins to cool for you, does the heat cause migraines for you? I'm not sure I could survive all the hot weather you are experiencing. Hope tomorrow is a better day, in the weather department that is. Hugs, Julie.

  6. I am not a Beatles Fan either. One or two of their songs I can tolerate

    It has been lovely cool days and nights here the last few days. It is supposed to warm up to the upper 80s tomorrow.

  7. I'm with the kiddos- I love the Stones. Cool stove!

  8. Hello, me to, no Beatles thank you, grew up listening to them, yuk!!!! Love the little pumpkin mat to, soooo cute. Hope you can use your charmimg little stove soon, will send some cool Fall weather your way, tee hee. Blessings Francine.

  9. I like your stove. The Hubby and I listened to Bread when we were dating and first married...eight tracks you know.:-) A few years ago, our daughter found a set of cds in a music store in Louisville, KY and bought them for us. Brought back some memories. But these days, I nearly always listen to Christian music, so I don't enjoy the other like I use to. It doesn't feel like fall here, but it is a little cooler...mid eighties. We went out tonight for my bbday and we actually ate on the restaurant's was lovely. Until they put a sombrero on my head and sang to me! ha! ha!

  10. It's ok, I hate the Beatles too. I do like Queen though. I love your sheep rug. I love mine too! It sits on our end table, under a lamp - that way it's out where I can see it, but hidden enough the kids don't destroy it. So far, the plan is working!

  11. That sheep rug is adorable! I love it! You will get to use your pretty stove. The weather people say that Thursday is supposed to be cooler here. I hope they are right! I'm tired of being hot, too! You have it much worse though. Three digits. Ack!

  12. Oh goodness I have finally found something we don't have in common, haha...I definitely liked the Beatles in high school, and the Stones, and the Beach Boys, and a few others too. Funny how you can hear a song and your transported right back to that time era. I never listen to that kind of music anymore though. I mainly listen to Christian or Country. Soo funny, I wouldn't have been caught dead listening to country in high school, haha. How times do change. ; ) Mel listened to a WIDE variety when she was at home too. But most of it has not been on in our home (or car) since she left, lol, and I DON'T miss it at all.

    Oh, and I love the word Twaddle.

    Hope you had a good day!

  13. Haha!! Oh I LOVE twaddle:) And what a perfect post to read to send me off to bed with a smile:)))

  14. Twaddle was good! I must admit, we like the oldies...and our kids do too. Kind of. :)

  15. I'm loving both the sheep and Halloween rugs at your stove! Just cozy looking but 94? Way too hot for fall!
    Anyway hope you enjoy your weekend!
    PS Did you rescue dinner? Hope so!!

  16. Good post..always. I am not a Beatles fan, never have been...give me Eagles any day. Sometimes I look up at my kids and say..."this is mine!" "Can't I have anything that is mine?" Meaning, can't you not keep your hands off...LOL, well one day there will not be anyone around to change my channels!

    Have a great much fun to drop in and husband loved your comment on Benjamin Franklin, he felt is was so encouraging...thanks!


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