
Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Monday

I hope you are having a nice Labor Day today. We have accomplished a good deal of work. The garden is mostly tore out and the sunflowers are all gone along with the zinnias. We took out all of the pumpkins and it was the worst crop ever and I don't know if they will last very long. It got so hot and I wasn't paying attention so when I went to pick pumpkins, I had squash beetles swarming under every pumpkin. I just hate those creepy bugs.

I worked on my Sassy Sunflower rug this weekend. I bought the pattern from Cathy at Red House Wool Studio. I really enjoyed working on this. I am going to turn it into a pillow I think.

I wanted to use only the dyed wool that I had done myself. It was really loud and bright when I was hooking the colors but as I did the background it toned it down so much. I live in a house where I am the only one who likes Primitive and everyone liked it with the loud bold colors and when it became a bit toned down, they all sort of complained because it wasn't bright anymore. I like how it turned out.

Okay, I have to share a picture, I was taking pictures of my rug and Spike our dog who lives out side kept telling me he needed his picture taken. So I said okay, so here is a picture of Spike.

We went to a Christmas Party one year and he was a white elephant gift. We fought over him and I am happy to say we got to bring Spike home with us. He is the best dog, not to mention he has a candle holder that you open in the rear under his tail. I do feel funny when I am changing the light. If you notice he is a boy dog too.
I just thought you might like to see him. We are all pretty crazy about Spike.

I hope you have a very nice unlabor day, and you are getting to rest.



  1. That's a lot of leaves already. Love your rug. You sure accomplished a lot there over the weekend. Happy September.

  2. oh, i like spike! and i like your rug, too. great fall colors!

  3. I love the colors in your rug - it's bright and bold and will make a beautiful pillow!
    Spike's great! Funny place for a candle holder though!!
    Have a lovely day!

  4. You have been ambitious, Kim, with your rug and all the outside work going on. My husband has planted the fall crops (greens), and we finally had some rain earlier today. Hopefully it was enough to help those seeds grow.

    Have a good day!

    xo Nellie

  5. Your rug is very pretty Kim

    I like Spike. He is welcome to come and live in my back yard. ;-)

  6. I picked up our grandboy last night and he and I spent most of the day at Monkey Joe's today. It's the play place with all the inflatables. Anyway, he loves to play there and living 45 mins away, he doesn't get to go often. So, we were there from 10-4:30. Fortunately, they have pizza by the slice and it's pretty cheap. So, he ate lunch and kept on going! Of course, five mins after we got in the car headed back to meet this mom, he was asleep! I'm just glad he had fun and I enjoyed watching him!

  7. Kim ~
    LOVE your rug! Very sweet and cheery.
    Spike is a hoot. No wonder everyone wanted to take him home.
    Pug hugs :)

  8. Hi Kim..
    cute handiwork piece! Love it!

    I am longing to rip out all the garden beds, and put them to rest for the winter... but, we have a few weeks of growing season left.

    Enjoy this beautiful day :)

  9. Great rug. Spike looks much nicer than our dogs. Our garden is still producing, but it slowed up considerably. Have a good week, Kim:)

  10. Hey, your sunflower looks great. I might hook mine again with brighter colors. Spike is very cool. Does he really have a candle up his butt? Too funny!

  11. I love the look of your pillow to be. You do nice work Kim. I can't believe you have brown leaves already. The only thing changing around here the the very tops of the trees, but only slightly. It is suppose to be very humid this week. It figures, my school does not have air conditioning and the cement blocks in the hall and classrooms start to sweat. Off to work tomorrow:(

  12. I read your post earlier today but didn't had time to leave a comment at the time as I was called out.
    Your rug looks very nice and cheerful, just on time for fall. It's fun to see different version of the same pattern. The colors are great.

    Oh I love your dog Spike too and that candle thing at the other end is hilarious but useful on dark and dreary night. lol...

    I planted my beans very very late and they are ready for the first picking just now.


  13. Hi Kim! I love the rug! You made it so fast!
    That's too bad about the pumpkins. You can buy some at the grocery store, can't you?

  14. I like Primitives too, you can send me your rug.. wink, wink!

  15. Hey, that rug is awesome! I love the colors! Sounds like I'm not the only one. :-) I'm glad Spike is a hit, too. Everybody loves Spike.

    Alas for the pumpkins and those darned squash bugs! I guess we'll be getting storebought pumpkins this year. I've been considering baking one of the kids' little pumpkins. Maybe I'll just wait until we visit again and get a few of my own. :-)

  16. T'is the season for hooking sunflowers. Love the colors in your rug Kim, it will make a very nice pillow. Old Spike is one fine looking dog, no fleas on that boy! Pumpkins were a bust here too. A week of rainy weather is heading our way here in Maine, time to get the fall decorations out of storage. Hugs, Julie.

  17. I like the bright colors in the rug. With a name like Sassy Sunflower, it should be bright! My garden is just ripening so there will be no tearing out just yet. Sorry your pumpkins were ruined. Shucks!

  18. That's too bad about the punkins! I got 5 this year, one I think I might need to cut up soon as it has a bruise that seems to be getting worse. I had to fight a black widow for it (ick). I love the rug! I really like that greeny-teal color (at least that's how it looks on my screen). Spike still cracks me up every time I see him on the porch. :)

  19. Your mat hooked up fabulous! Love the color choices! Spike is too dang cute! Happy September to you!

  20. I love that rug ... it just says fall to me ... and I'm so anxious for fall to arrive.

    Sorry that your pumpkins didn't turn out too well. Just too darned hot this summer. :-(

    Has it cooled off for you? It's going to be in the low 90's here this week ... better than the 100+ temperatures we had in June and July, but still warmer than I'd like it.

    Glad we got to "meet" Spike! ;-)


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