
Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Morning

We are back to getting up at 4:30 each morning. It is a love/hate thing for me. Getting up at 4:30 makes me grumpy and in a bad mood, but the good thing about it is I have all of this lovely quiet time in the morning after my husband leaves and before the kids get up, not to mention starting laundry around 5ish means I get lots more done. My body is finally adjusting to it. I am wide awake now instead of stumbling around the kitchen trying to fix my husband's lunch.

This job my husband is on was supposed to be only a one week job. This one has turned into 4 weeks so far. He works 11 hours every day. I have learned lots about myself through it and I have found I am a complainer and a whiner and to watch him has really shown me how I am spoiled and I really need an attitude adjustment. My husband just never complains.

In my other life, the one that we lived before the crash in 2008 or before that when the company my husband worked for 22 years, before it was sold to investors was way different than the one I live today. My husband was offered a job at the place he is now working. In these 4 weeks it has shown us what is important. If he took the job, I could go back to the way I lived in that life long ago. My husband would go back to being on call 24/7, he could live in that corporate world again. We could take vacations, and have wonderful medical insurance. I could go back to buying new clothes every time I felt like it.
This weekend, I was watching my husband play his guitar, I watched him work on his Bonsai trees. I watched him work on his trees he is going to learn to graft with. As I watched, the thought came to me,
"Why do I want to return to Egypt." Then as I thought, I don't really at all, we have just what we need when we need it. We have been happier in these last few years than ever before.

Last Thursday, my husband was so tired. The company he works for now has every other Friday off. He hasn't been able to take one off because he is being contracted to work for this other company. He works the way they tell him. Before he left that morning, he said, " Lets pray about this, because only God can change this man's heart." So we did, we reminded God of these promises that He has in His word, like, "If two or more are gathered together, He is in their midst." When my husband called at lunch, he said, " well I guess I will be working on Friday, I guess God has other plans for me." About 4:00 o'clock my husband sent a text that he was off on Friday. When he got home, he told me how God had changed schedules and changed minds and how he was now off for three days. I really was in awe of that prayer. The really neat part was when he sent me that text, I was talking to my two youngest sons who had just watched a debate between an Atheist and a Christian. They were asking how to know if God exists if you don't have faith?

Then as simply as could be, I got the text from my husband, I showed them and I said," because God answers prayers." Only someone real hears and answers us when we ask Him.

I am so thankful to live this life I now live and I can say that I don't need more money to make me happy, but I do need more God and I need Him to guide my steps. Thanks for stopping by today. Happy Monday!


  1. Wait, he was talking about going back to work for the carrot place? I imagine it is pretty tempting. I'm glad God changed Dad's schedule so he could rest, poor guy.

  2. I have never had the opportunity to live that "other life" God does indeed answer prayers, your's was heard. I am happy to hear your DH is going to have a long weekend coming, a little one on one does a couple good. My husband too is up and out the door early as he works out of state, lots of miles traveled daily, now however, he high tails it home to see the love of his life grandson Travis, I don't mind taking second place.LOL Have a wonderful day sweet Kim, it is beautiful here in Maine today. Hugs, Julie.

  3. How wonderful! It is to your credit that you knew Egypt is only living a spiritually barren life. God gives us life more abundant and I rejoice with you that He answers our prayers!
    God bless

  4. sounds like he really needed that extra day off after so many long weeks. :)

  5. Thanks for this beautiful post. Prayer is so powerful when prayed with faith and conviction. Have a lovely Friday off this weekend. My husband and I work 7 days a week and the cows don't give time off unfortunately.

    Hugs, JB

  6. Yeah, working your life away for nothing other than more money and having no time to do anything else.... not so much fun. It's like Ben said a little while ago, we have more fun when we are on a tight budget. I hope it will be an easy decision for you guys, either way it goes. And I'm glad he got some time off!

  7. A wonderful testimony, Kim. An such a great lesson for the kids!

  8. A beautiful post Kim. I do know that God answers prayers, not always in the way we like, but always for the best.

  9. I need more God too. I think we all do. I really like the way y'all work together with your prayers. I think that can make all the difference in a marriage. I'm a whiner and complainer too. And I've really got to stop that nonsense. It accomplishes nothing. Well, it adds to the negativity and who needs that?

  10. Oh Kim can't tell you how much I related to this post. From being a whiner and a complainer and married to a man who does neither, EVER! to the life we used to live as he was high up in the corporate world. We have struggled for sure these last couple of years with our finances, but like you the Lord has always provided just what we need, when we need it. And the job he has now I wouldn't trade back with for all the money in the world. The stress, the hours put in, the drive, all of it, is just NOT worth it. How blessed we are in our much simpler life, even in the midst of continued financial struggle. We our soo blessed with what is really important in this life. Hope your having a good day! HUGS

  11. Beautifully said, Kim! I couldn't agree more about what is important and truly needed. Thank you. Happy Monday & have a great week!

  12. And there you have it! These are secrets that many spend a lifetime and never learn. I think you are rich in the best of all ways! :)


  13. Beautiful thoughts from a beautiful person!

  14. Happy Monday to you, too!
    Wow! Isn't it encouraging to watch God on the move? Hooray!
    Your husband sounds like a good, good man.

  15. Wonderful insight and I couldn't agree with you more about what is most important

  16. How profound ... you've inspired me, dear friend.

  17. Great post - love to hear how God works in everyone's lives so we can rejoice with them!

  18. Sweet post Kim...I agree, I need more of God. It always seems like we feel closer to Him when we struggle. Have a great day today, Jean PS. Love the lil pumpkins in the wire basket!


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