
Monday, August 13, 2012

August In Pictures

The heat is starting to take its toll on the garden. My sunflowers are getting tired. Notice the small holes in the petals.

The Zinnias full of weeds and turning brown. The really beautiful thing is that this is full of next years seeds.

The tiny pumpkins that are having a hard time with the heat and the bugs.

This is a large pumpkin in the other pumpkin patch.

My roses are even growing very tired. I always think this looks pretty for some reason.

My teenagers chicks. I have two roosters, a black one and a white one. I have two little hens. They are such sweeties and this heat has been hard on them.

Here is my favorite one. He is so sweet and he has the cutest little crow. He is starting to follow me around the yard.

I hope you have a great Monday. We are having another day of 107-109 day. I am still trying to find nice things to say about the heat and about August. Here is one, my sheets and comforters dry in about 20 minutes.

I hope you have a great week!
~ Still grumpy Kim~


  1. Oh, Kim I think I'd stay inside all day! The poor chicks! I hope they get some reprieve from the sun!
    I feel better about my dry flowerbeds after seeing your well-tended zinnias all past their prime!
    Pumpkins! They are so fitting at your house, matching your cute rugs!

  2. Someday the heat will end for you. It has been much cooler here for the last 3 days, hardly any rain though.

  3. Kim, I know what the heat does to a person, garden, and everything else. It was 119 here yesterday around 5:00, today may reach 115. I just got back from Walmart before it got too hot --it is 104 now. But in a month we should have some cooler weather. Time for a big glass of iced tea. Love your sun flower pics.

  4. Oh my, I'd be grumpy too at those temps. We've finally had a break in the humidity, and are very thankful for that!! I love your teenage chicks...they look so fluffy! What kind are they? (I should know, but I forget)

  5. LOL too funny Grumpy Kim. Well, at least your sheets dry. Its so humid here you can leave them out all dang day and they are still damp

  6. haha, it has cooled down at bit in jersey!! go float in that pool and get your mojo back!

    really nice pumpkins!!

  7. I am just about ready to move to Alaska. Yesterday was disgusting. I still can't believe your little black one is a rooster. Just a late bloomer, hehe.

  8. Your chickens are so cute. Two roosters...... are they going to fight for the hens when they get mature?

    I hope that it will cool down soon. That;s really TOO HOT for man or beast...

    It's very humid here too but we are having a we breeze so I opened all the windows so the air can move at least. I'm so very glad that I have an open concept house.

    Keep sucking on icicles.
    Hugs, JB

  9. Kim ~ your chickens and roosters are very cute. The heat was really hard on my chickens too ~ it finally cooled off two days ago. Hopefully, the heat will subside soon ~ It's o.k to be grumpy ;-)

  10. Hey! I enjoyed getting caught up! Sorry it is so hot there. It's been hot here, too, but not that hot. Even when you don't have something to say, you have something to say... and it generally makes my day! :-) Your pumpkins look good and your "teenagers" are cute!

  11. Hello! Isn't this weather just awful??? Humid, hot, thundering, weird, AND we had that earthquake last week with the epicenter in Yorba Linda which is 1 mile from us! It was a 4.5 which seemed MUCH larger when you are that close to the center....I will be glad to see that Fall arrive. Your chickens are cute! Stay cool. I am trying not to leave the house anymore today! HUGS

  12. You need to head over to the very cool climes of Northern Ireland - our high this weekend was about 71 degrees and lots of showers mixed in.
    I still enjoy reading your 'grumpy' posts!
    Best wishes

  13. If anything can make a sweet natured human being grumpy, it is heat and humidity. I have been suffering right along with you! What pretty birds your Silkies are, I'm not sure they would fair well here in Maine due to the cold climate, what do you think? I would love to add a couple to my flock in the spring. Fall is coming the days have been shortened by 1 hour and 27 minutes. Hugs, Julie.

  14. I finished cleaning house today, and I feel just like your zinnias look. And the kids go out and play in this for hours. I know I did as a kid, because I remember the summer I had streaks sun-bleached in my hair. I've become such a wimp. :-p

  15. no wonder you are grumpy, those highs. hope it cools off for you & the chickies soon. even the flowers get tired late in the heat of august!

  16. I don't remember it ever being this hot when I was a kid. I think it is hooter now. I know I wasn't oblivious to the heat then, because I've never bee much of a heat fan. I used to wait for the cooler weather and especially the snow. It's always sad when the plants get exhausted, but it just points that fall will be on the way. Take care of yourself and stay cool when you can.

  17. It's so oppressive when the heat stays that hot, day after day. We've had a wee cool down here. Now we're waiting to see if it hails this evening.

    Love those chickens.

  18. are so sweet...trying to stay positive in that heat! I couldn't do it! Still pretty pictures...and yay to dry sheets:)

  19. I'd be grumpy, too ... in fact, I WAS grumpy when we were going through our hot weather last month. Still, yay for you to find something to be thankful for ... what a wonderful example you are for us! Praying for relief from this heat for you.

  20. Oh, Kim! What heat you are having! Thankfully our temperatures have moderated some, especially with the rain we have had in recent weeks, but our garden has that "August look!"

    xo Nellie


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