
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Still Jamin'

Today I ran across the list I had made of things that I wanted to do this summer. 
My summer projects:
1. Make strawberry jam

2. Sew lots.

3. Keep garden weeded.

4. Bible Study with the girls.

5. Learn to spin.

I realized that today if I didn't do some serious weeding, I was going to fail on this list. I went outside even though it was hot, and weeded the garden.

It isn't perfect by any means but it is now livable and I think I can go back to my Tuesday weeding and get it under control.

I bought strawberries yesterday because I planned on replenishing my store of strawberry jam. I was tired but I thought that my strawberries wouldn't wait. So I got out my things and started making jam, as my son said, " I have spent my morning "jamin" in the kitchen.

I made 24 jars and I used up all of my small jars, all of my lids and I had to resort to my wide mouth jars I am going to use to put zucchini  relish in when I make that.

This morning before I started chopping weeds, I picked my third basket of tomatoes.

I think it looks really pretty. It makes me so happy to think of making this into something good to eat.

The only thing on the list that I haven't done yet, is I haven't learned to spin. My DIL brought a beginning book so I need to sit down and read it before she brings her wheel. The kids have been taking swimming lessons and right now it is fun for them to be in the swimming pool. I do mean to get to that next though.

I was pretty happy to see I am doing what I wanted to do this summer. I have had a nice summer so far.

The two oldest that live here have been getting ready to leave for camp in the morning. The are going to be camp counselors. I will only have my two youngest home this week. My daughter was house setting next door and I think I got used to the kids running over so it might be a quiet, lonely place next week.
I am glad I have garden work to do to keep me busy and lots and lots of sewing to do.

Have a wonderful weekend,


  1. wow - a person who makes lists and then accomplishes what's on them! :)

  2. You are amazing! Jam galore! I hate weeding. It takes me so long and I'm always looking back over my work and seeing all the weeds I missed. Your farm is thriving and you are a good farmer, Kim!

  3. Jammin......I pictured you rockin out with an iPod and playing air guitar amongst the sunflowers !! You should make some bruschetta wih those pretty tomatoes.

  4. I've gotten spoiled. I'm sad we won't be running back and forth anymore. It was a very nice vacation. :-)

  5. Oh the jam! Good for you - how amazing it must be to look over a load of jars full of good food.
    Love the tomatoes - I have no red tomatoes yet, but trying to be patient! ... not easy ;)

  6. Great accomplishments. You are truly living your dream.

  7. It does sound like a good summer; your accomplishments are wonderful, Kim.
    Well done!

  8. Your garden is always so neat and clean, Kim, I am sitting her just smiling away at your jams and of your beets in your last post,(sorry i missed it) Miss M is keeping me busy! ~smile`
    Your summer sounds wonderful, And I always enjoy you sharing, enjoy your weekend, don't work to hard!

  9. The tomatoes and the strawberry jam look so good. It is impossible to buy a decent tomato in the store or at the farmer's market this year.

  10. I really enjoy seeing what others are up to. You have inspired me to wander down to the basement and find my jam jars. I have raspberries and service berry juice waiting to be made into something useful. I like your idea of a list. I should do that. Your garden is beautiful.

  11. So glad you are enjoying your summer!

  12. the jam looks wonderful!
    so happy thigns are going well for you!

  13. What an ambitious list ... and to think that you've accomplished most of it ... with plenty of summer left.

    I don't think you'll be too lonely with all that you have to do.

  14. You be jammin' a lot! ;-) And many congrats for accomplishing what's on your list and making a serious effort to get to the spinning. Your garden is picture perfect... so enjoy some sittin' and stitchin' today!

  15. O wonderful Jam! I have made just a few jars so far this summer and we've eaten it all! I'd better get busy and store some up. I rather like weeding. I seem to do it every time I go outdoors. I can't help pulling them up no matter where I am -- even in other people's yards and gardens.

    Happy weekend.

  16. You are a driven woman with a list. Always so industrious. I love looking at your jam jars too. It reminds me of myself when I was younger.

    One summer I went to a U-Pick with my father in law several times and we picked so much strawberries and I made 124 pint jars of jam. I stayed up until way passed midnight to process them. I gave a lot of it away.

    I had boundless ambitions and energy way back then. Now It's been ages since I made strawberry jam.

    Hugs. JB

  17. Kim, I do not see ONE weed in that amazing garden of yours! How BOUNTIFUL... BTW, how are MR. MFOD's trees doing? you must do a post update. I thought of you today, I was "jamming" in my kitchen. I put up eighteen jars of blueberry jam and the remaining berries went into the freezer. Next on my list is raspberry jam. I think of you enjoying those wonderful grandchildren of yours! Hugs from Maine, Julie.

  18. It is fun to see your garden through the years. It is really beautiful. I had to laugh at your description of year one, when you overplanted and ended up giving so much away. I am wondering if we will decide the same thing -- we have now about 23 (?) fruit trees around here, many of which haven't yet started producing. We are joking that in a year or two we may be down at the farmer's market, selling baskets of berries and avocadoes by the bagful :) I'm impressed at all that strawberry jam! It looks delicious. We ought to do a jam swap -- I'll trade ya some olallieberry or blackberry for some strawberry :) Great job on all your summer projects.


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