
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th and a Chat on The Farmhouse Porch

As you can see my chair if filled with hydrangeas. My husband had been on vacation and we have worked the whole time. One of these years we will go on a real vacation. One of the last things we wanted to get finished was cleaning all of the flowerbeds and planting new flowers. We got the beds all cleaned yesterday and will plant Feverfew in the flowerbeds. Feverfew has tiny daisy flowers. If you get a headache you can stop and eat some. :) Now onto this week's questions:

1.    What are your plans for the 4th of July?
All of my children will be home with all of our grandchildren. My extended family and my kids friends. We will BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers and make home made ice cream. We will do fireworks and people go crazy around here with fireworks so if you look in any direction you can see lovely light shows.  It will be a busy day.

 2.   What's your favorite ethnic food?
Mexican I think is my favorite and next would be Chinese.

 3.   What's your least favorite chore?
This is silly, but I hate getting the coffee ready for in the morning. I always make it last thing as I am cleaning up the dinner dishes and for some reason that is my least favorite chore in the world.

 4.   What really "stopped you in your tracks" and made you think twice?
There have been lots lately. I think though if I wanted to say something it is a quote by Margaret Thatcher " The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other peoples money." I thought about it all day.

  5.  Would you rather dry your clothes on a clothes line or in a dryer?
When we moved here I didn't have a clothesline put in and I wish I did. I use the swimming pool fence to dry things but a clothesline would be so much better. I always have enjoyed hanging out clothes. I use my dryer the most.
Thanks to Patrice for this weeks questions,
I hope you all have a lovely day,


  1. Your flowers are gorgeous!! Enjoy the day with your family :)

  2. Your hydrangeas are lovely! Hope you are having a wonderful time with your family!

  3. happy 4th kim, your hydrangeas are gorgeous!!

  4. love your chair o' blooms. :) enjoy your 4th with the family!

  5. The chair looks so pretty. I love hydrangeas. Have a fun filled 4th. Sounds like your place will be booming.
    The first thing I do in the morning is turn on the coffee pot (even before I take Millie out to pee) Now vacuuming is another story!

  6. hope your day is fabulous! enjoy!

  7. Oh how I love hydrangeas and yours are just gorgeous! Your 4th plans sound great! We are just about ready to head over to my oldest son's house for the day. They have a huge yard and I have heard rumors of a softball game or something...I think there will be home made ice cream and firework displays too. I love the 4th! Enjoy your day Kim!

  8. Loving that chair filled with pretty flowers- ya'll have a great fourth!

  9. Hi Kim, hope you are enjoying a beautiful 4th of July with family and friends. Hydrangeas have become one of my favorite flowers, and mine are doing well this year, and I am so surprised as this heat is unbelievable. I think it is because we are watering them twice a day, Thank the Lord for sprinklers. ~smile~
    Looking forward to seeing your flowers when they are planted. I am so behind with my planting, but am thankful we have no veggies to be harvested right now with the remodeling to take place soon.
    Enjoy your day,

    p.s. I will look westward tonight hoping to see your fireworks, if not at least hear them. ~smile~

  10. Kim, your garden looks wonderful, and so do your hydrangeas. Hope you enjoy an awesome fireworks show tonight!

  11. Gorgeous, gorgeous flowers! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday!

  12. I'd rather have been at your house; here, I've been chopping thistles.
    Happy July 4th!

  13. Your plans for the day sound really good! Enjoy your time with family.

    xo Nellie

  14. KIm
    How did you know Hydrangeas are my favorite flower? Yours are lovely.
    It sounds like a whole lot of family fun will be happening at your place-I do miss celebrating Independence Day.
    Happy 4th

  15. Happy 4th of July Kim.

    Your flowers are so pretty on that chair. It must have made a lovely bouquet for the house.

    I would agree with The other Kim that my least enjoyable chore is vacuuming. Right now I even have dust bunny families living under my bed.

    Hugs. JB

  16. Dear Kim, when you and "The Mister" decide to take a real vacation, or sould I say have the opportunity to take a real vacation, I hope you decide to come East to Maine. My door is always open! Hope you are enjoying a wonderful fourth with your lovely. Hugs, Julie.

  17. I love your flowers! Are you going to take a tiny break while your hubby is on vacation? Maybe you should take a drive and stop for lunch.
    Happy fourth of July to you and yours, dear Kim!

  18. Your 4th of July sounded wonderful. I love when we are all together as a family too. I get my coffee on before I even go the bathroom. My least favorite choir is cleaning the bathrooms. I really don't think I make most of the mess in them and I get made when I have to scrape tooth paste of the counters and sink.

  19. Funny that you mentioned making coffee is least liked, it one of my favs! Have a good 4th!

  20. Oh what beautiful pics of your hydrangeas! Mind if I download the first one to use as wallpaper on my computer? :-)

  21. I just love hydrangeas! I've never been a fan of hanging clothes out on the clothesline ... I prefer the softness from drying them in a dryer. Sounds like a nice 4th ... ours was a very quiet one.

  22. What a beautiful bouquet of hydrangeas! My poor little guys are planted in a spot that's too hot. I've got to move them! It's always so nice to come visit you!!

  23. I love to look at hydrangeas- they remind me of both of my grandmothers! Lucky you to have everyone home! We get everyone here at the end of the month. The girls are coming home to celebrate Molly's 21st birthday!


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