
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Canning in my Kitchen

Don't you think this is a bunch of pretty flowers? It is German Camomile. It isn't supposed to be this kind. I didn't know it looked like this and it is so pretty but not  what I wanted for tea. Oh well live and learn.
Yesterday I made what my Ball Cookbook said was Spicy Spaghetti Sauce. One year I put up 100 jars of the stuff. Out of about 50 pounds of tomatoes yesterday I only got 7 quarts. I was exhausted last night and today wasn't much better. I have no idea how in the world I made that much. I also made some dill pickles this week too.

I went out and picked this amount of tomatoes and bell peppers.
I had the other ones I had picked on the counter too.

I had two of my largest pots filled with cooking tomatoes and bell peppers and onions and garlic. I cooked them down to mush.

I then took that hot tomato stuff and ran it through my food mill. I love this thing. I don't know what I would do without it. I sure do make a mess but one of the odd things about it is I love cleaning up my kitchen after I am all finished. I love mopping the floors and cleaning the cabinets and my kitchen stays so clean when I am canning.

This is what the cooked vegetables look like after they come out of the food mill.

This is with the spices and everything cooked down into one large pot. Then I had to cook it for 4 hours. I walked back and forth all day stirring as it simmered. Once it was cooked down and was thick I put it into quart jars and put it in my water bath canner.
32 years ago for a wedding present, one of my aunt's gave me this for a wedding present. Inside was a jar lifter, and wooden spoons and jar lids and pot holders and a Ball Canning Book and every thing you can think of that you might need to start canning. I have used it now for 32 years. It is my old friend and when I get it down from the cupboard where I store it I am always so happy to see it.

Here it is in the quart jars. My pickles and then the rest of the jam I have made so far this year. I need to make a few more batches of strawberry jam. My kids have almost gone though most of what I have made this summer. The favorite snack around here is peanut butter and strawberry jam.

This is my brag picture. It makes me so happy to sit and stare at this. I guess you could say it is all of my work in jars.

Thank you for reading along and looking at the the photos. I hope you have a lovely Thursday.



  1. it looks yummy, kim! you deserve to be proud of your harvesting and canning!

    (you are a bit weird that you like to clean the kitchen, though...)

  2. I would be bragging up a storm if I had so many home canned sauces and jams sitting on my shelf. You should be very proud!!

  3. My goodness, you have been busy! I love the colors in homemade canned foods. I can imagine the sense of accomplishment when you are done and the kitchen is clean! Good job!! :-)

  4. Wow! I am so impressed! You are such a hard worker, Kim! I've been a slacker housewife the last few days. I don't know why I can't get motivated to clean and tidy!
    Maybe tomorrow!
    Really, I am so proud of you. Thank you for inspiring us!

  5. So fun to read about all your canning, Kim. We are still waiting for our first ripe tomato, so I am a little jealous of all of yours! Though in a month or so I am liable to feel differently ;) I love your canner, too, and your story of getting it for a wedding gift. It looks like mine only the lid on mind is dented so it "vents" whether you want it to or not. I also love getting the supplies out each year, and also have a good time cleaning up the kitchen afterwards. I think canning is just one of those few homemaking chores where the evidence of your hard work is so quantifiable. Love your "brag" picture. You have been one busy bee!

  6. What a busy bee you have been! I too love to see my efforts stacked up and looking lovely, such a sense of accomplishment. Your gardens have been very productive, no tomatoes here, but three little pickling cukes...I love your brag picture, you did yourself proud...hugs...Julie.

  7. O! how I love to look at food preserved in Jars! To me it represents lots and lots of love, not to mention lots and lots of work! ~smile~ You have been one busy lady, Kim, my tomatoes are not quit ready for canning and making my sauce,I sure am glad as I have been busy packing all week, and still have a long way to go. I think the tomatoes will be ready just about the time I finish, though dh told me today that the corn will be ready next week.
    Thanks for sharing, enjoy your weekend, you sure deserve some R&R.

  8. Are you sure that is German chamomile? It looks like a cosmos to me. I sure appreciate your explaining what you are doing with tomatoes. I needed the advice as I think I will soon have a ton and have no idea what to do with them. Love your pantry photos.

  9. I love canning time. It's such a productive time and you get to actually SEE and enjoy the results of your labor on the cupboard shelves for a while before it starts slipping away into hungry mouths. I like your big sunflower banner very much.

  10. I am always so satisfied when I am finished canning too. I keep looking at my jars and re arranging them. I think the reason is so much love goes into canning. You have to really love what you are doing because it is very labor intensive.(in a fun kind of way) Your shelf is getting full and looks good.

  11. Mouth is watering. Truly! Looks wonderful, Kim! I have no internet access at home (temporarily), so comments will be sporadic. I do visit you every day, you!

  12. Oh YUM! It's a lot of work, but sounds like you enjoy it! Plus, you'll have a cupboard full of Summer to enjoy all Winter long! Sure wish I had your energy!

  13. Kim, no wonder you are exhausted! Canning is not easy work! Add to that the hot kitchen when the outside temperature is already hot - that only adds to my exhaustion! We have decided this year to freeze what we have from the garden. I will miss my canned goods, though.:(

    Have a great Thursday!

    xo Nellie

  14. Cosmos, I think too.
    Love the canned goods, sure is
    work, but oh so good to have. I
    can tomatoes, when I get them,
    but usually around a dozen jars.
    100 wow! Love the wedding gift!

  15. You *should* be proud of all your hard work. It certainly looks yummy to me. I always clean as I go when I cook, so I'm sure I'd do the same if I were to can. ;-)

  16. I just love that sight. My favorite thing to see is a pantry full of home canned goodies!

  17. Hard work, healthy, wholesome, fresh!! There's nothing better than canning your own veggies! Good work, you should be proud!

  18. Hi Kim, I saw your comment on Dog Trot Farm and thought I'd pop over! I'm now your newest Follower!

    I'll tell you, when I saw the title of your post, you had me! I'm a canner too! In fact I just posted a new jam recipe! Like you I love to admire all my finished products too, it's just so satisfying to see all that home-made love in a jar (that's what I call it)!

    When you have time please stop by for a visit, I love company and new Friends are always welcome!

  19. 'Canning' is totally new to me. I have never done it, nor have I seen anyone do it! That's hard for you to imagine, I know. I need a total step-by-step for it - I guess I'd find a video on You Tube about it :)
    I would *love* to make jars and jars of tomato sauce like that.
    I love that you have had your 'canning pan' (I don't even know its proper name!!) all these years ago. Many happy memories .... x

  20. Oh boy! Am I in awe of all your efforts! I can only imagine you exhaustion but I bet it's a great feeling of satisfaction - you've every right to brag!

  21. and when the snowballs fly, you'll enjoy it all over again! lovely, lovely pantry sight with pretty jars lined up waiting for that little
    spppffffttttt when you open the lid.
    Ahhhhh, the only more delightful sound is the *ping* of the jar sealing!
    I froze peaches yesterday and they are beautiful. I'm suprised I didn't make myself sick by eating too many.

  22. Oh I am late getting here because I did another round of six quarts of juice and been sewing also this week. I keep thinking how does Kim do all this and blog?

    Oh my this looks wonderful. My first canning pot got used when the boys were changing oil in one of their cars...and the lid filled with car parts they were re-doing a '71 I have to start buying all over again.

    You enjoy the works of your hands...I know I am enjoying looking at my jars also this year. I feel productive, but not half as productive as you!
    I can say I don't like cleaning up...let me mess it all up and then someone else come through and clean...but that never happens.

  23. Your pantry looks so pretty and yummy. You're always so busy. I love that pot. Reminds me of grandmas pot when she would make enough stew for practically the entire neighborhood

  24. Quite an accomplishment Kim you should be proud....hoping to do some myself but I wil have to buy my produce because my garden not producing too well this year...enjoy

  25. Wow am I visiting late today...but so glad I did. I am soo impressed with the canning! good job! I am certain I would do the same thing...sit and stare at my hard work of love. Strawberry jam huh?? of my fav's. Hope you had a good day...HUGS

  26. this is just wonderful kim. your house must have smelled amazing!!


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