
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Finally A Finish

Today I sewed a bit. No I take that back, I sewed what seemed like for hours. I planned on hooking a rug today. I never got to it. I told you last week that one of the things I was good at was using a hula-hoe. Well I remembered something else I am even better at using. A seam ripper. Yep, I use a seam ripper so much that I am quite proficient. I wanted to finish my little pillow from Brenda Gervais called The House of Blue's and Browns. I ripped it out 3 times.

I finally got it finished and I won't put this one away because I really liked this one and I do think it is worth the work.

 I am starting to worry about all of these pillows I keep making though. In the Anne of Green Gables series of books, Anne lives for a time in a boarding house with two sisters. One of them is always making pillows and they are every where, even on the stair landings. I am afraid of my house being so filled with pillows like that. I just loved this because I love ticking so much. I just like the way it looks and I like the way it feels.

It was a fun little project. I am currently working on the June Word play like a mad woman. My July Word play should be here next week and I hope I can be finished with June. I also had to stop one of my wool projects because I wanted a lighter background for it so I had to order more light wool. 

Just a bit of fun I had in between weeding the garden and all of the other things I do. I hope to have a few more finishes next week. I would like to open a Etsy store but you have to have something to put in the Etsy store to sell. :)

Have a wonderful Sunday,


  1. Love your pillow and love you. They do not sell hula hoes here. Total bummer. Have a great day tomorrow.

  2. I'll start to worry if your pillows appear on the stair landings. :-D That is a cool pillow!

  3. I love your little pillow. One of my summer goals is to start some stitching projects. They'll be nice when the weather turns hot. Hope you have a splendid Sunday!

  4. I love that little pillow. I'm a fan of ticking, also ... my sister made me a pillow out of a lighter blue ticking with my initial embroidered on it ... I love it! Glad you were able to get some sewing done ... I think it's therapeutic. ;-)

  5. proficient with a seam ripper. :)

  6. That is a sweet little pillow. I don't know what it is about ticking but I love it too. I just finished drawing out a new rug :)

  7. Could you please tell your daft friend, me, what ticking is? I love your pillow! If you get too many, just open an Etsy shop and sell some!

  8. Absolutely Beautiful! You did a fine job of stitching AND finishing! :-) Never such a thing as too many pillows! Especially pretty ones! :-)

  9. The pillow is beautiful. I imagine you could sell your pillows on Etsy.

  10. haha, you crack me up!!

    the pillow is beautiful!!

  11. Pretty little seems I can never time much time to sew anymore. :o(

  12. I stand in awe at your beautiful hand work, I just love this one, Kim, just keep making those pillows and rugs, as I think an Etsy shoppe is such a great idea for you.
    Now I am off to see what else you have been doing while I have been away.

  13. Kim, I absolutely LOVE the pillow! I have become quite adept at using the seam ripper, too.:)

  14. Hey there! Enjoyed getting caught up with you. As usual, you have been busy! I love the pillow and your tomatoes, apricots, berries look healthy and strong. Happy news that the cherries are good. I'm not a cherry fan, but it's nice if you have fruit to be able to eat it!! Our daughter has a pear tree in her yard that is loaded. We will probably be making Jam!

  15. I'm very good with a hula hoe too! Just used mine yesterday. I'm good with a seam ripper as well. Love the pillow with the blue ticking.

  16. I love your garden Kim. Weeding a garden that size is a full time job. It's a good thing you enjoy the outdoors. The pillow as usual is lovely.(all your pillows are nice) I really like the ticking and rick rack.

  17. I had to smile when you mentioned Anne of Green Gables. I loved every one of those books! You are a talented woman!!

  18. Hey if you sew, a seam ripper is your best friend, right?? Lol... what would I do without mine, love your pillow!

  19. You SHOULD open an Etsy shop! I love your ticking pillow very much!

  20. Kim
    An Etsy store is a good idea. After all, you don't want to start filling your stair landings with pillows too!
    Ticking is a favorite of mine too.

  21. Kim ~
    What a sweet pillow! My problem is I get the stitching done and it can sit for years "unfinished". I'm a little better at binding rugs, but not!
    Hope your weekend starts out great!
    Pug hugs :)

  22. Hi Kim!
    What a darling pillow!
    You should open an etsy store and then you could make pillows to your hearts content, and others would enjoy them too :)

    Love your garden!

    Smiles :)

  23. Every time, I mean every time, I start to sew again I learn to use that ripper more than sewing...I have to continue to sew all the time to remember.
    Your pillows are just great and it so makes me want to do some myself. You and my friend do the best cross stitch, I haven't crossed stitched in years.

    We just recently rented the series of Anne of Green Gables, and I so enjoy watching them...maybe I will get around to reading them again some day.

    Enjoy your pillows!!!!!!!!!!!!


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