
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Walking in The Garden

I took a walk in the garden with the camera and not the hula-hoe. I should have been chopping weeds. I know for a fact, the weeds are winning. I love taking pictures of fruit. When it starts changing from green to ripe. This plum tree is so loaded with plums. My girls come and pick from this tree and make jam. One of the things I love is watching my grand children pick fruit and be big helpers. It just makes me so happy.

Remember when my husband planted 72 Zinnia seeds? I just had him put a bed in the garden and they are already blooming. There is just something happy about zinnias. I think this year I planted more flowers than I did things to eat. I guess sometimes because it is with me anyway, I need food for the eyes because flowers feed my soul and some times that is what is most important to me.

Isn't it nice to see sunflowers? I just love watching them grow this year. The thing I like most is that on really hot days they just shoot up. My husband calls them little radar dishes because they have their faces always pointed at the sun.

Here is the whole thing and how far it really goes. I don't think I have ever planted as many as I did this year. I do have them all labeled this year so I will know just what each kind is and maybe be able to save some seeds before the parrots carry them off. They are watching the progress very closely now, the parrots I mean. The whole flock was flying around yesterday scolding me.

I just had to show you a picture of the Hydrangea. This was a tiny little plant that I got for my birthday when I turned 50. Now it has got this big. I have always killed Hydrangeas. I didn't hold out much hope for this one either. I babied it for a couple of years and now it has finally went crazy. It just amazes me and I kind of stand out here and stare at it.  The picture doesn't really do it justice because even though the flowers are pink there is a bluish tinge to it. I guess I need to put more iron in the soil for really blue ones.

I started my chicken rug yesterday. When times are hard sometimes it is nice to have little things that bring joy. This rug brings me such joy and makes me laugh inside. I just had to share how it looks. The little chicken just makes me so happy.

 Here is a close up of the little chicken.

Isn't it cute? I have had so much fun so far working on this rug, I think I would work on it all day. I can't because today in my youngest son's 17 birthday. He has been sick for most of the month of May and has lost so much weight, I don't think we will be doing much. My kids have all been sick with something off and on and I just hope now for a well household.

I want to say thank you for coming along today. Your visits and your comments continue to be my light in a dark tunnel. Blessings to you all,


  1. always love your walks around your 'field'. like your little chicken, too. hope your son gets to feeling better!

  2. The chickens are looking so good! Especially that little chicken, I was afraid he was too small. I'm glad you like it so much!

    I love your zinnias. I also love that the parrots are waiting impatiently for the sunflowers to get ripe. They have to wait at least a few weeks!

  3. Those blooming hydrangeas are your promise that turning 50 still holds so many sweet surprises! Who knew they would bloom so well when you didn't hold out much hope? And yet... there they are, and so are you! :)

  4. oh kim, my weeds are winning too...but your blooms are beautiful!!

    now that's a really cute rug!!

  5. That chicken is just adorable. And your garden looks so pleasant and productive. I like zinnias too. They are always so bright and cheerful. Hope you have a nice birthday celebration and everyone is feeling A-1 soon.

  6. You have a lovely garden Kim and the flowers are wonderful.

    The rug you are making will be so cute with the little chicken on it!

  7. Oh, oh! That little chicken is SO CUTE. I'm so glad you're enjoying it. There is something about working with your hands that soothes. Gosh, I didn't realize you planted so many sunflowers. That is going to be pretty!

  8. Your flowers are beautiful, the photo of the plums looks like a painting in the making. Love the cute little chicks! Hope you son becomes well, happy birthday to him!

  9. Nice walk in the garden- hope your son gets to feeling better soon!

  10. That will be one bountiful garden as the days go bye. Love the pictures of the plums they sure look tasty.
    Happy birthday to your son! Enjoy pulling those loops on your rug it's looking great :)

  11. What an interesting day you have the fruit makes my mouth water....and I love the chicken...I am still trying to convince sweet fisherman that we need some in the mountains...I do hope you sweet guy gets well soon and has a wonderful summer ahead of him....

  12. Holy Cow....look at all those sunflowers!! (I'm really trying not to be jealous)
    Yes, your little chicken is adorable.

  13. You are really going to have some sunflowers! i think zinnias are happy flowers to and can take our summer heat without a lot of pampering. Enjoyed looking at your garden...have a great day

  14. Wow, that is a lot of sunflowers! I am close to getting my first bloom to open. You have that big ol' field, I sure would like to see a big patch of corn planted in it.

  15. I hope that everyone is feeling better today. That's a lot of sunflowers. It's going to look awesome.

    Your zinnias looks so beautiful. I planted some seeds a few years ago and they all sprouted but in the night the earwigs stripped the leaves clean off the small plants. There were hundred hiding under the plant trays. We used to be plagued with earwigs.

    I'm a bit envious of your nice plum tree. Nothing tastes as good as tree ripened fruits. The fruits that we buy in the stores are picked before they are ripen and are tasteless.

    I'm keeping you in my prayers sweet friend. JB

  16. I forgot to comment on your chicken rug. You are doing a great job. I've neglected my rug since Victoria is taking my spare time.

    Hugs. JB

  17. Gorgeous, gorgeous flowers, Kim! (and I don't see ANY weeds!)
    On another note, hope your son is better!!

  18. I just loved this post! First of all the plums look wonderful. Years ago I used to make plum jam, and there is just nothing better in my opinion. And your Zennias are gorgeous! I love them too. WOW sooo many Sunflowers. I love it! We saw soo many wild Sunflower on our recent road trip. It was great. My mother loves Hydrangeas. She has a beautiful one on her front porch that I was admiring when I left today. I have NEVER been able to get them to grow. Yours look wonderful. The chicken rug is adorable....Hope your son feels better soon, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him! HUGS

  19. Oh, I'm so sorry your son is sick. I hope he is on the mend very soon and has a happy June.
    I can't wait until school is over so I can inspect my flowers. I feel so rushed right now. I'm up later than usual grading essays. Ugh.
    Take care and keep your camera handy for when the funny parrots swoop in!
    Love love love!

  20. There's a bad bug making its way around these parts ... my grands have been sicker in the last month or two than they were all winter. Praying that the bug will leave your family and that you'll have a healthy, wonderful summer.

    I love zinnias ... you're right ... there's something cheerful about them.


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