
Monday, April 2, 2012

Getting Caught Up

It was a busy weekend, but good busy. I am afraid though, this might sound like a brag post when it is all finished.
I am never very comfortable when I do that, but I just had to share some things I am very happy about today.
First things first. My daughter who has three children and is very busy but has managed to draw and write in spite of very full hands. One of the things I have loved about being a mother has been seeing my children far exceed anything I ever dreamed. Just so you know, in my head as I write this, I hear my grandmother's words,
"Aw well Kim, every crow's baby is the blackest." So I will stop.
A e-zine used her art work for their cover art. I am so excited and so very proud of her.The e-zine is called The Cross and the Cosmos.

We finally got the cubby box finished and mounted. Do you like how I always add "We" My husband did all of the work. I just tell him what is in my head and he figures out a way to make it.
You know how I prefer old wood over new wood. A year or so he found a old desk in an alley when he was at work. He brought it home and we used it for awhile outside. Then he finally took it all apart and we have used the wood for nesting boxes for the chickens, he had made planting boxes out of some of it and he had just a couple of drawers left and he asked me if I could think of anything to use them for. Well, I had been thinking of this lady's house I visited when I was young and she had one of these things in her entry way. I stood and looked at each treasure she had and in one of the boxes she had a brass ring from a Merry-go-round. She told me all about it and I was thinking about her brass ring and her box. So out of the leftovers he had left he made me this. I think it is just so great.

I put all of my little treasures on it last night. I have such odds and ends.
I have a tea set and an old salt and pepper set that were my grandmothers. In the lower right hand corner are a pair of gloves that were in my grandmothers things, they have rhinestones down the side where your little finger is all the way to the wrist, with black jet beads. They are lovely and make your hands look so pretty.
I have old wooden sewing things and I put my rug hooks on it. I will change it as I come across things I have collected through the years. I even have a tiny little fish from one of my daughters birthday cakes. It is Flounder.
Just a bit of fun. Each thing though tells a story. None of it has much value but it means something to me. Each thing I hold makes me remember who gave it to me or where I found it like the old insulators that were for electric fence, next to the rooster, those were on all of the fences when we moved here. I have picked them up and saved them.
 All of it just like life, it is the littlest things that become the biggest treasures and blessings, and it is the tiny things that make up the magic of life.
Have a lovely week.


  1. Blogger must be acting up again ... because I had to *once again* re-follow you.

    I love looking at what people put in their "cubby boxes" ... wondering what the things are, wondering about the meaning behind them, etc. Most of the things I've saved are probably too big for a standard "cubby box" ... I have them on display in our entertainment center (there are two towers on either side of the TV that have glass doors, so you can see what I've got in there).

    Congratulations to your daughter on getting her artwork published! Go ahead and "brag" ... it's a right and a privilege of us mamas ... and a reward for all our hard work. ;-)

  2. Good morning! First of all, I see no reason at all not to brag about that girl of yours! What an accomplishiment this is for her. I would love to see her work! Can you picture it somehow here? Your right to do this while she is as busy as she no doubt is, is another accomplishment as well. Anyway, congrats. And as for the cubby box, I LOVE it...I love that your hubby made it and that you have filled it with meaningful things to you that all come with a story. I love that you have Flounder...Hope you have a good day! HUGS

  3. It is so true that it is always the little things that mean the most. makes me wonder why we always seem to think we need to make "grand gestures".
    About bragging - If you ask me, you don't do it enough! You have a wonderful family, all accomplished in their own right. Go ahead and Brag!

  4. the cubby box is full of treasures. :)

  5. ohmygosh...I would be proud! Congratulations to her! And, the cubby box is perfect for small treasures. Sounds like you have some very special ones, too! YAY!

  6. You bragged about me! *blush* Thanks for the props! I'm so excited to see my artwork on there. I knew they'd accepted it (and they were very complimentary), but it was months ago and I'd forgotten about it.

    That cubby box is awesome! I'd wondered what it was for as you were building it. Now I'll have to come over and stand and look at all the things. Just from the picture, I think I recognize most of them. :-)

  7. oh kim, in my house "we" = chuck, almost every single time!!

    i love the pretty cubby, your special treasures fit perfectly!!

    and it's not bragging, it's just simply stating the facts ;)))))

  8. Love your treasure shadow box! I have things like that....valuable because it has special meaning to me. Those are the best treasures! :-)

  9. I'm proud of your daughter, too! Woo hoo!
    The treasure box is lovely. I've always liked little things, too.
    You aren't a bragger! You are a joyful and thankful soul!

  10. I'm laughing about saying we. I say it all the time too. We painted, we raked, we tiled. When really my husband did it by himself. My husband always says I didn't know you were French!!! You must be bursting with pride over your daughter's accomplishment. Good for her!

  11. I am so glad you feel like you can share wonderful things in your life with us....We'll all blogging sisters and that's what sister do....

    I am very proud of your daughter too...and your hubby for building you that beautiful cubby box for your treasures.....It is definitely the small things in life that mean so much.....

    Keep sharing sweet girl, we want to hear....

  12. I liked the post. I learned some things about you. I love how creative you and your husband are with the old desk. Very cool. Gave me some ideas.

  13. A great place for your treasures! Have a great week. Hugs-

  14. I'm pretty sure it's ok to be proud of our kids! So you go right ahead and brag! Plus, that is really exciting news! I know what you mean about watching them succeed even more than we ever thought. And our thoughts were lofty, eh? LOL

    I love that y'all re-purposed that desk! Such a great idea and it looks nice too! We try to do that around here but it doesn't always look good. :)

  15. Wow Kim. Congrats on your daughter's honor! I agree with you. It is amazing to watch them surpass us...

    I love your shelf. I have two printers trays that hold little mementos. Of course nothing bigger than a baby spoon... hmmm.

    Have a great day!

    Blessings, Debbie

  16. Beautiful display box! I think your little treasures are perfect for it.

    Congratulations to you, and your daughter! You both should be happy and proud. Something to celebrate, indeed! :)

    Happy Easter blessings,

  17. How neat to have something that has such good memories at hand for you!

  18. Your husband is a craftsman! I like the little things, too - I try to keep alert for small moments. Congrats to your daughter.

  19. I don't think that this is a bragging post. You are just telling us about what matters to you. How lucky you are to get joy out of little treasures that means so much to you and have a nice place to display them.. Hugs, JB


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