
Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Picture of My Soap

Tonight I had a couple of requests to look at my soap that we made on Saturday. The soap is in my closet so the picture isn't very good but I will show you the giant bar of soap. It still isn't firm enough to cut into bars. It is getting there though.

I used three oils, coconut, olive and shortening. I didn't add any scent or color because I always want my first batch to just smell clean. Which it does. I got online today and found a source for the right kind of Lye. They have changed the lye in some way so it makes it harder for the soap to turn into solid.
I will buy the right kind and then I know my soap will act like it is supposed to act. This is firming up just not as fast.

I had to show you the pictures of the blueberry blossoms. Don't they look like what a blueberry would look like except the bloom is pink. I think it is so pretty and I have never seen blueberry blossoms before.
We are supposed to get wind on Tuesday, lots of wind. I was walking around looking at things and I know we need the wind to break open the rest of the buds on the trees. We are going to be 80 degrees tomorrow and then down in the 30s Tuesday night. March is always such extremes.

I dyed some more wool today. I really do not know a single thing I have ever done that makes me happier, calmer or more peaceful. I wish I could find a full time job just dyeing wool. I love seeing each color emerge and all of the different colors. I think I did three batches of wool and I have to make myself stop. I would use up all of my wool.

I hope you have a wonderful week next week.


  1. who knew dyeing wool would be such a love for you? :)

  2. Hey Kim~I have never made soap though I have always been very interested in it myself.

    The blossoms do look like blueberries how pretty they are.I love blueberries& cream oh not so good for you I am sure but very tasty.We don't grow them though we will go pick them this year and freeze and eat them to death.

    I will check back and see how the soap is coming along~Cheers Kim

  3. I am very interested in this soap making....can't wait to see the bars....and wool dying..girl you are a jack of many trades...

    I can't believe you are having blossoms on your blueberry bushes...We won't have any for along time...Our blueberries usually come in late June..but oh are they sooo good.....Looks like you are going to have a bumper crop this year...

    Have a great week....

  4. Thanks for showing the soap. I hope you had a nice family day. Nice blossoms, so springy. Sigh...... Lol

  5. From soap to dying, you are multi-talented! My orange blossoms are starting to bloom and the air is starting to have a lovely fragrance. Have a good week.

  6. Thanks for showing us the huge bar of soap. It looks so nice. It makes me want to make some.

    It must be heaven around your place with all the blossoms, including blueberry blossoms so early. I can't wait for the snow and ice to be gone.

    Have a great week Kim. Hugs. JB

  7. Dyeing wool, making are a prairie girl. Love the photos of the blossoms. We have snow on the ground...though it is supposed to get into the 50's this week.

  8. Thanks for the soap photos! Fascinating. I bet I would like dying wool, too. I love colors so much.
    Have a happy day, Kim!

  9. Amazing that those blueberry blossoms look exactly like blueberries (except for the color). Wow, you are a gal of many talents ... wool dying, rug making, soap making, gardening. ;-)

  10. When we moved into our old home 21 years ago one of the things that I love about it was the established landscaping. Trees and shrubs are abundant and many of them very old. Since I didn't plant them I don't know what all of them are. I've never identified your 'blueberry' shrub but that is what is growing outside our dining room window! What's it really called? Do you know?

    I know how you feel about the dyeing process. It's magical.

    Blessings, Debbie

  11. Your soap looks wonderful, I have been trying to find a good source for lye. There is none here. I'd appreciate it if you'd email me your source. I have never made soap but want to, I got a great book a few weeks ago at the thrift store, all kinds of soap to try. I love the new buds, it just lifts your heart.

  12. Those tree blossoms are gorgeous. Nothin' blooming here yet so I'll enjoy yours. The soap project is great!

  13. Oh love seeing your soap, I have pinned how to make soap over and over again on my Pinterest and collected books on "how-to" for years and still haven't done thanks for the inspiration again.

    Oh the pretty, I have been wanting to put some in our backyard...hard to decide since I have no clue how long we will be here...ugh! But I am for sure going to go blueberry picking this year.

    Have a great week! Enjoy that new grandson.

  14. Your soap looks really nice! And your blueberry blooms too. We really need to go get some plants. The itch is so bad! :) I know how you feel about dying. It is just so relaxing and seeing the end product and going "Hey, I did that!" is really cool.

  15. Beautiful Blueberry Blossoms.
    I would love to see your dyed wool colors.

  16. Nice looking soap and if it ever stops snowing, I need to get the dye pot out.

  17. I wish I could spend the day with you making soap and dyeing wool...instead of doing report cards!

  18. That is amazing you make your own soap. It looks beautiful! So do all of your Spring blooms. I have never seen blueberry blossoms. I have been eating a lot of blueberries lately though. It's nice to see what their blooms look like.

    Thanks for sharing.

  19. With that much soap there no excuse for dirty hands in your house. I thinks its exciting making things by hand. I don't do a lot of that, ( just a little canning) but boy do I love it. Hope Meg and the baby are doing well. Its hard to have a new baby with a house full.

  20. Hi
    Thank you for a lovely blog.I would love to be able to make soap with the different aromas from flowers and roses from my garden. I have a spinning wheel and would like to learn how to use plants from my garden to naturally dye sheep wool. What plants do you use? Your blueberry plants with the blossom on them look very pretty. Feel free to visit my blog and see my journey along the path to the good life, it is in its early days so we are only a few steps along the path at the moment. Life is truly beautiful when you look out and see what is out there.


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