
Friday, January 13, 2012

Chance Encounters

If you have followed my blog for any bit of time, you will notice I try to stay away from political and other issues.
I am really in true life, very opinionated. I try not to make waves or say too much unless it is something I want to tell you about.
Today is my grocery shopping day. I had a full loaded basket and I always get my bread very last so it can go on top. As I pass the bread there is a place that they have the avocados and the tomatoes. I always stop there and get those last on my way to the register.
Today there was a man about my husbands age getting tomatoes and avocados and I stood and waited as he filled his bags. He turned and look at me and smiled . I knew that in my heart here stood one sweet man.
He said, "  I just can't get enough of these fruits and vegetables, I just want to stand here and fill up bag after bag."  I smiled and said, yes, everything looked nice today. He said, " I just got back from Iraq". I said, Oh you did? He said, " Yeah, I was so thankful to get to spend Christmas with my family." I said, " Oh I bet you were, was it nice?" He said, " Oh yes, the very best ever." He went on to say, " Well, they are sending me back. I said, " O No really?." He said, " Yes, I am going back for nine more months. "

I mumbled something appropriate I suppose. All of a sudden I wanted to cry, I mean bawl my eyes out.
Here this man, is giving up time with his family to serve me and my family. So I can live free. It just got to me, here this man, who was gray headed and such a fine man, was leaving to go to a country who doesn't want him there.
A country that could kill him.
I made it up to the cash register, I stood there thinking about my chance encounter. I left the store in a fog and have wandered around thinking about those people who serve. I  am a very ungrateful person, and that chance encounter, showed me how much I take for granted, every single day.
So I just wanted you to know, I don't know who you are but I will pray for you and your family everyday.
I may not know your name but God does.
I came home changed.


  1. Powerful post Kim, I always try to thank those who have served us so sacrificially. I am also so aware of how much we have here in America compared to those in other countries.
    Thank you for reminding us?
    Love, Noreen

  2. Wow, that was a great post. It makes you stop, think and appreciate when you see a military person giving up so much for all of us. I'm glad you talked to him.

  3. It really brings one up short to remember that there are those risking life and limb all around the world for us. Great post.

  4. Isn't life an adventure....God brings so many wonderful people and provides so many wonderful opportunities for us to see His love in tangible ways.....You were touched and now by telling your story so many others are included....

    I am so very thankful for the men and women who are willing to put their lives in harms way so we might have freedom...I will join you in praying for this guy and his family......

    Your big heart shines through your words....

  5. Oh Kim, your spirit is always wide open to receive and to give thanks. I'm so glad that you talked to this man. We do take so much for granted.
    Thanks for the powerful post today. Hugs. JB

  6. What a wonderful post. I agree that we forget how much others do for our comfort and well-being. I'm so glad you shared this!
    Have a good weekend,

  7. you are a dear, sweet, sensitive soul kim. i was having breakfast once and there were several soldiers at the table next to me. i paid for their breakfast and it felt awesome. xo

  8. I know just how you feel. I had a similar experience with a young man during our last yard sale. He came and we talked and I absolutely refused to take one penny for anything he wanted. He was making a wall with a shelf and filling it with coastal type things for his girlfriend to enjoy while he went back. Again. Even so, I still need reminders from time to time. Thanks!

  9. Never pass up an opportunity to say "thank you" to a service man or woman. It may be the only thanks they ever get.

  10. Something as little as that encounter can be so big! Wow! I guess the best any of us can do for those wonderful people who serve is to pray for them.

  11. Replies
    1. It has always amazed me that these wonderful women and men in the military can be so selfless. God bless them and their families.

  12. I wanted to cry just reading your post... I wear a red shirt to work on Fridays 'Red Shirt Friday' to honor, remember and pray for our troops who have given SO much for me and mine. Your post is SO important, please come enter it in my 'Weekly Top Shot' meme? We're on Week #13 and I'd love to see you share with me and my readers! Here's this weeks' link:

  13. Bless you ... and thank you for the reminder that we have so much for which to be thankful. You came home changed ... and your post has changed me.


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