
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch

It is that time to visit with Patrice again. It is fun learning things
about all of the people who play along. Not to mention making new friends.
I enjoyed this weeks questions. I hope you do too.


1. Dreaming asks: What accomplishments make you the most proud?

Two I suppose, One that I am amazed is that I have been married for 31 years. When we got married, the people who worked with me placed bets that I would not stay married after the first week. They only told me this after we had made it to a year. The next thing I am very proud of was that I home schooled six children. From Kindergarten through high school 5 of them. There now are 3 of them are in college and two have graduated and are married with children. When my last son graduates in 2013 I will have home schooled 25 years. Not bad for someone who the school counselor said to me my senior year, I was too dumb for college. All of them function in society. I did not destroy them as my extended family predicted.

2. Suzanne asks: When did your family first come to the country which you now live?

They were already here. My family part of them traveled the Trail of Tears when the federal government wanted their land in Kentucky.
Some of them came from England and one of my greats was born on the hold of a ship when her family fled Scotland. Some of them were from Spain and went to Mexico. So I am really just a mutt.

3. Wendell asks: What's your favorite way to serve carrots?

Well, in soups I guess Wendell.

4. Do you decorate with anything that has Santa or Father Christmas when you prepare for Christmas?

You know I thought about this question, I don't have a single Santa or Father Christmas. We used to attend a pretty legalistic church and I had made a very cute Santa wreath for my front door and the pastor called me to take it down because some of the ladies that attended a Bible Study at my house were offended. I guess I never got any more.

5. Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs? Something in between, maybe?

I like all kinds of dogs, Big or small. I think I prefer dogs the size of Sasha though. I like the working kind of dogs. I have had Queensland Heelers and Shetland Sheepdogs but my favorite has been Border Collies. I think I will always have this kind until the end of my days.

I will be around to visit on your porch too. Have a great Wednesday!



  1. well, mutts make the best dogs - and people, too. and you should be proud of teaching your kids! :)

  2. I think you should be VERY proud to have home schooled your kids! HUGE accomplishment. Soo much work, and soo much time when coupled with everything else that goes into raising kids too. I am a mutt too, haha...Hope you had a good day!

  3. 31 YEARS!!!!! THAT is some accomplishment- especially in today's world!
    I am a Big Dog fan....

  4. Gosh, they got mad over Santa? I mean I can see the point of it not being the "reason of the season", but... Wow.

  5. You have MUCH to be proud of! It is so much fun getting to know more about you.

  6. When I was planning on having a family, I thought a lot about home schooling. I wish I had now. I really respect folks who choose that route for their kids. Being a teacher in the public school can open your eyes to a lot!! I'll say no more! Great to chat with you!!!

  7. I'm proud of you for your excellent homeschooling! (clapping!)
    We went to a memorial service yesterday and saw a lot of people who are now very old. I thought to myself, "Well, you have been married 33 years and they were middle aged when you met them all those years ago." Time ticks away and heaven will be glorious!

  8. Always fun post...of course number 1 touches my heart the most since it is close to my story also

    What a wonderful accomplishment and fulfillment of a dream.

    Carrots..that is funny, I would say soup also

    Gotta go...taking Benjamin, my K, to a homestead farm today...that is what we city girls have to do when we don't have a farm of our own and home schooling...we take field trips.

  9. Haven't you heard, home schooling isolates kids? lol I've been homeschooling for 23 years with our last one now a senior. I've found home school kids are the most social, well-adjusted ones amongst their age groups. They can talk to babies and old people alike without missing a beat.

    I'm pretty sure, I'm a mutt, too. Hey, you know what they say about mutts, don't you? They live longer!

    Way to go on the togetherness. We celebrated 32 years in June. It amazes me how quickly the years have gone by.

    It has always perplexed me how anyone can be offended by a symbol of Christmas such as Santa. As a Christian, I believe there is a Santa, the parent. Our pastor told us once, as long as they are moms and dads, then there will always be a Santa Claus. Besides, the true meaning of Christmas is very much a part of my life so I'm not going to allow someone's rigid beliefs rub off on my traditions. I think people get too uptight about things sometimes, don't you?

    Have a good day!

  10. Your number 1 answer made me a bit sad. Not that you have had a wonderful 31 years, or that you have home schooled your kids, but that people would be so cold that they would take bets on your marriage. And the guidance counselor certainly needs some guidance. You can't errode a kid's self image with cold comments like that. How nasty! I have a niece that they said something similar about and she's running a successful business that many guidance counselors couldn't handle. I wish everyone could just be nice. "Play nice with others, world!"

    The Santa door decoration is a bit over the top. It's a fun tradition and the stories of St.Nicholas loving the Lord and giving to others is lovely. There are those folks everywhere!

  11. Oh it's good to visit your front porch again Kim! Even if you are just a mutt. ;)

    Blessings, Debbie

  12. I love your answers to these chats. You are a mutt - Lol I think we all are mutts (but it was a great answer)
    I am stunned at your guidance cousellor - What an idiot!
    I would guess that your church people would have a stroke if they saw my naked santa shower curtain..... :)

  13. So fun to get to know a little more about you and what makes you tick :)

    I love your #5. Dogs rule!

  14. how fun! my husband and i were told we would
    never make it,too! ha!! so there!!!

  15. Ahhh, I knew there would be good Scottish blood in there somewhere ;) Although we have a Lab, I think a Border Collie is probably the most loyal of all dogs. Extended family here have them, and they really are lovely :)

    Congrats on 31 years, and *huge* congrats on the homeschooling for THAT long. Huuuuge blessings x

  16. you have soooo much to be proud of kim. i adore your kind and loving spirit!!

    your roses looks amazing!!

  17. I love Border Collies- very smart dogs!

    People said Hubs and I wouldn't make it either. Some of them even hoped we wouldn't. But, 28 years later, we're still together and he's still the one! What do people know anyway? LOL

  18. I think most of us are mutts...and nicer for it. Congratulations on your home-schooling. That's an incredible commitment.

  19. Congratulations on all counts! We had the naysayers, too. They said we wouldn't make it 6 months. We just had our 27th anniversary. Raspberries to them. :Þ

    We're in our last year of homeschooling, but started late in the game. It will be 15 years for us at the end of this school year. The two graduating this year have never been to school outside of our home. :)

    For the record, mutts are the best kind (says one mutt to another!).

    I enjoyed reading your post. Have a great night!


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Think of this as coming onto my porch and having
a visit.