
Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Days

I was going through my pictures and I thought I would show you my first attempt at
gardening, taking pictures and blogging. I didn't start my blog until July of 2008 so I don't
have any pictures of June. This was a huge undertaking for me because not only the size
of the garden but also taking pictures and then writing a post to go with it. I was sick
at my stomach every morning knowing I was going to be taking pictures and writing something to go with it. Also because my Mom was sick and I wanted her to
have something to look at every day, I kept at it. Having a garden that you know your
Mom is going to be looking at first thing in the morning is the same thing I do with my house. When my
Mom was going to come to my house, you can bet that she could have got a ladder and checked the top of my fan blades and every
surface would be clean. So in my very first garden I worked hard and I really didn't have a clue what
I was doing.

This is our garden last year. I planted way too many tomatoes. This was a nice garden but looking back,
I didn't enjoy it very much. I was still grieving my Mom's death, life was really full of lots of challenges and
I was having some health problems that I couldn't seem to get well from. I am glad I have some pictures
of it looking pretty, I don't think I took many pictures of it because I had a weedy mess.

This is Yesterday. This garden is really spread out and I didn't plant but a few tomatoes and peppers. I have other things but not as many as I have in the past. It is spread out like it is so my husband can use the tractor
to plow between the rows so I don't get a mess like last year.

This garden is fun, I am not sick and I think I am in a better place than last year. I am finally well and I feel
like each day I am better than the day before. It is funny to look back and see how far I have come in three

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you whom I have shared my journey. For you that I have just met
and for all of you that I consider my friends. You have made me feel loved and you continue to make
my field of dreams not just a dream but a reality.
Thanks for coming along with me.



  1. i'm glad that this 3rd year is a good year! :) i haven't known you that long, but certainly do enjoy your field too!

  2. A garden can be overwhelming when we do feel good and things are going well so I can't imagine how it was with all that you had going on. So glad you're up to par now! Enjoy your garden!

  3. Isn't gardening a process? Sometimes the planning is more fun than the doing! LOL Gardens change as we change, don't you think? When I was home with my boys early in their lives, I put in many perennial gardens. Later, when I had to go back to work, the beds were overwhelming. Plants and dirt are very forgiving, though! Find your happy balance! ('Course I say this as I'm planning multiple raised beds in the new house!~grin~)

  4. With the exception of a few tomato plants there is no room for a garden where I live. I do enjoy looking at yours and others around the world from my computer desk and I don't even get dirty :-)

  5. While I was reading this Kim, I was seeing the process of growth that you were experiencing, especially after your Mother's death. The large garden the first year probably kept you so busy, and if you are like me, I do so much meditating when I am gardening. And then last year you were still working through your grief, and now God has taken you to a higher level, I am always amazed at the journey God takes me on, and when I turn and look Back, everything just falls into place.
    I am so thankful that God allowed me to meet you on this journey, and that now we can walk together.
    Much love,

  6. Thanks for the photo of your garden Kim. It's no wonder you work so hard in your garden, it's a huge garden, a field size garden. Every year I say that I will plant less and every year I break my promise. I'm hopeless.

    It's so nice seeing you feeling better all the time.

    I was planting the rest of my cucumbers, zucchini and cabbages this evening and again I waited too late to take a picture and it was getting dark as the sun was going down.

    I looked in my garden and saw thousands of those maple tree winged seed all over my garden. So it doesn't look neat anymore and I thought of your Hula-Hoe as I was pulling some weeds in my flower bed. Hugs, JB

  7. A blog is kind of like a garden. You tend it, put your heart in it, keep the weeds away (hula hoe?) and you harvest friends.

  8. I think it is beautiful that you did the blog for your mother the first year. I bet she really enjoyed that. I am sorry for your loss. I hope you enjoy your garden this year. Thanks for sharing such an important part of your life.

  9. oooohhhh the love-hate relationship we often have with our gardens....

    scaling back is good, it makes it more enjoyable!!!!

    great photo's!!!

  10. I agree with Sue's word - very nicely said -- also - We all need a garden to lose ourselve in thoughts and I've even did some praying a time or two as I move around pulling weeds or planting -- my mind heads to many areas of being thankful..that's what working the ground really means..

  11. I so enjoy your field of dreams with you...I have only planted a "garden" once in my entire life and it was REALLY small and yet sooo much work. I enjoyed the harvest from it, but truthfully it is something I have just never had much room for. I think that is why I am soo attracted to those of you who do. You have so obviously come a long way in 3 years. I love that the Lord can take what is near and dear to us and use it in our lives in such different ways to cause our growth and teach us the things we need to know, and a greater dependency on Him. I am so glad you are enjoying it all this year, and are in a much better place all the way around. ENJOY every minute of it. I am sooo glad to be sharing it all with you! Have a GOOD week-end. HUGS!

  12. I'm glad you're well this year and will be able to enjoy your garden more. You have a nice big space to garden in. How wonderful! You're going to have fun!
    Enjoy your weekend Kim.

  13. i am so happy that you feel better this year than last year.
    your garden looks managable and fruitful. how smart
    to leave big spaces for the tractor.

  14. Hugs...I have so enjoyed your field of dreams, even if I wasn't here from the beginning, I have so enjoyed each post and what God has done in your life and garden. Thanks for sharing your testimony and, therefore, encouraging me in my own journey.

    Enjoy the fruit of your labors this year!

  15. Your garden is lovely! Do you EVER have weeds?! :)


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