
Monday, February 14, 2011

Signs of Spring

I went outside to walk with the dog. We are supposed to get
rain by this afternoon. I checked my chickens and watered
them. They of course were yelling that they needed to be out
running around the yard before the rain. I didn't listen to them
today. As I walked I came across this out in the back of the pasture.
I am not kidding, I almost started yelling about what I found.
Little blooms on the peach tree.
The only one who would have heard me was the dog, and she was
chasing doves.

This was up against the trunk. I thought it looked
like a tiny ball of sun against the brown earth.

I had some more of these in my flowerbed. I had a bunch
of flowers I transplanted one year and these were some of them.
They seem to be cold and heat resistant. Lots of water or
no water don't seem to faze them. I tried to buy them as
plants from the garden shops and they never did very well.
Then one year I bought those shaker containers with bird and
butterfly seeds in them and just shook them out and they did
much better.

This is the Acacia Tree, really one of the first things to bloom.
When we were going to move here I wanted a Bible garden.
I went about collecting trees that are spoke of in the Bible so
that when I read about them I could remember what they looked like.
I have been reading about the Tabernacle for the last few weeks, and
God used lots of Acacia in the building of everything.

Finally after climbing around the tree, I found on some of the lower
branches the first of the blooms open. Really it was just like
getting a very special bouquet. The funny thing about this peach
tree is it is my latest tree to have ripe fruit. Late August or early
September. I didn't remember that it is the first to bloom.

I am so happy that I see signs of spring. It does wonders for
my spirit. I wish I could send some to you all.

Have a wonderful Tuesday.



  1. Oh my gosh, you REALLY have spring there!!!! As always, your photos are just stunning! I just can't believe the shots you get with your 'simple' camera. Must be the love in the photographer that brings out such color and beauty!

  2. How lucky are you to see such lovely vibrant colors....Spring must be close in your neck of the woods....I am still swimming in a sea of white, however the temperature did hit near fifty this afternoon. Thinking of you my dear friend.

  3. I'm a little jealous. Well.....maybe a lot jealous! Lol. The day I walk outside here and see a dandelion I will do a happy dance like you have never seen. The neighbors will be talking for weeks -- unless they are senile by the time this dang snow melts!

  4. Kim, thanks for sharing your new signs of spring with us. it gives me hope that spring is not so far away.

    Today was rainy in Ottawa and then it snowed and it turned cold and the wind started blowing so we stayed in instead of venturing out for a little shopping trip.

    Happy Valentine Day . JB

  5. Oh, so very delicate and lovely, especially your header picture. <3

  6. I am so jealous Kim, I am so looking forward to spring, and like you if I ever find a bud, I will continue looking until I find a blossom. LOL
    I know as one farmer to another, we get so excited when we see the first breaths of spring.

    Speaking of fowl, dh informed me last night that our one and only turkey was missing, what a bummer. I think we had a hungry fox. Oh! If I ever get my hands on him, he will of had a bad day, one that he will not soon forget!! LOL
    I missed your last post, and will now go and read it.
    Have a great day tomorrow.

  7. Daffodils are usually our first sign of spring. We are having warm weather this week, but it will still be a few more weeks before we see any. And we always have another freeze before Easter...always! Glad you were blessed with blooms today and that it made you glad!! :-)

  8. ohman! Spring is definitely coming to your house! At least it's warmer here for a little bit...a tease of what's to come. I am ready. Though, gotta say, it's not been a horrible winter. In my book, any winter is too much, though. {grin} Thanks for sharing!

  9. Those photos are wonderful. We planted a little nectarine tree last year, and although it's still quite small, I noticed little buds on it yesterday too! It's such a pretty sight :-)
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. Hi! I came over from "Starkey Hollow" and thought I would visit..cute blog! You must live somewhere warmer than us...not too many signs of spring here except the mornings are a little brighter and the day lasts a bit longer! It's exciting to see blossoms and I promised myself I wouldn't even complain if I see dandelions!

  11. Drooling over your pictures and craving color as i wade through the melting snow and muddy ice.

  12. Oh LOVELY. I NEVER thought I would be happy to see a dandelion:)))) Lucky you...spring!
    That first photo is beautiful...

    Thanks for your comment on my Give Way post. Truth and wisdom there. I am wondering about the issue, and appreciate your input! Thank you.


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