
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sitting on My Porch

Sitting on my porch is cold, but I still sit and ponder and
watch the sun either come up or watch the sun set. I am thankful
that when I was young and I got married and we lived in an apartment
and I just thought I would die because I couldn't see the sun rise
or the sun set, even then God had a plan and someone close by
our apartment had a rooster and every morning I was thankful
for the sound of that rooster. It took 25 years to get back to
where I am now and I still am amazed each day to see the sun
rise and the sun set.

The mountain you see in the distance in called Bear Mountain.
I love how in the winter the sun rises over it but even now
the sun is beginning to move away from it.
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits.
The God of our salvation!
(Psalm 68:18)

I took this just before this tree lost all of its leaves.
I have a old book that I read time to time. This book is called
Joy for the Journey. This selection is called
Finding Holiness in the Ordinary:

"Henri Nouwen, in his book Out of Solitude, tells of an old Notre
Dame professor who had always complained that his work was
constantly being interrupted. Like so many of us,
he longed for the freedom to concentrate fully on what he considered
important. Late in his life however, the professor came to realize what he
wished he had known all along that the interruptions were his work."

"The interruptions are the work. The pieces are the whole.
We cannot wait for a total, personal revelation of all that God has for us to be
handed down in one lump sum. God reveals Himself to us bit by spiritual bit. Even our
broadest visions and our highest goals, once we know them, must be broken down and lived
in the small particulars of our every day lives if they are to have meaning."
(Claire Cloninger, When God shines Through)

When I read this I was a new young mother. I read it and I still repeat it to myself,
when I am interrupted from what I thought was so important or my schedule changes.
I hope that I never get so busy that I forget to make a life for those around me.
I read one time about someone who retired from a job and I am sorry that I can't remember
who he was or what it was he did, but someone asked why he stopped doing what
he was famous for and he said, he knew it was time when he started believing his
own press release. God said it best. " Humble yourselves under the might hand of God that He
may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:6-7
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.



  1. That second photo actually gave me shivers, it is so beautiful! That tree against the pink sky...

    Bit by spiritual bit... :)

  2. amen! good word, my friend! I am noticing the closer I draw to the Father, the more perspective I get. I am made increasingly aware of my undeserving state and of His grace and mercy!!
    LOVE LOVE that sunrise picture of Bear mtn.!!!

    Hope your day is blessed :)

  3. Seems we are thinking a little alike tonight...seeing and being grateful for the significance of the little things. Glad you had time to sit and ponder today and glad you shared your"ponderings" with us!! :-) Hope your Sunday is a blessed one, too!!

  4. As the mom of a large brood, I have to tell myself this often :-) Great post!

  5. That Bear Mt. photo is so beautiful. Regarding interruption, I believe C.S.Lewis had similar thoughts, but I cannot find the quote.
    I've got to run and get dressed for church.

  6. It's nice how the sun rise and sun set greets us good morning and good evening every day, ever changing yet always faithful. Some days are cloudy or rainy but always the daylight comes with the morning. I love the photos.

    I'm presently reading Henri Nouwen Bread for the Journey it's a book of daily wisdom reflections. I love his books.

    I hope that you are taking it a bit easier this week and are letting the spiders weave their webs and the dust bunnies play in your house for a while before chasing them outside. Hugs. JB

  7. You live in a beautiful place.

    Wonderful message.

  8. You always have such thoughtful posts. Lovely photos as well. I especially like the photo of the tree. The points for the whole patch of tzatziki would be 5. I would never eat all that yogurt dip because the veggies are so filling. Good luck with your weight lost. I weigh in tomorrow.

  9. Awesome word today Kim, I am not familiar with Henri Nouwen, I will check his writings out. The quote from the retired man really nailed it. Oh so very true, I know of a lot of well known ministers and politicians who need to practice this. Loved the photos, and I too find the porch a great place to ponder. Well, the sun is beginning to get low and I haven't walked yet, I have been trying to talk myself out of it, but will now get up and gooooo!!!

  10. Hi Kim (A.K.A. Farm Girl :o)
    I hope your having a great day!

    Great photo's as always. I like how you so appreciate the beautiful things around you, and capture them in photo's. I just noticed the "Doughnut" post today, It's killing me, I Love!!!! Doughnut's, I don't know how to make them, but Crispy Creme Doughnut's does a good job ;o)

    I'm happy to hear you enjoy your time on your front porch, what a great place to spend time talking with the Lord, and just soaking-up the beauty around you.


  11. Dear Sweet Kim, Thanks for the note. Perhaps your daughter is right. I think maybe she started the Father Tim books because her readers were so disappointed when the Miford Series ended. She may have been "talked into it" by her fans and her publisher. IDK. I do agree that it is probably time for her to move on. It would be interesting to know if she is already working on something and what it is...does your daughter have any contacts?? ha! ha!


Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
Think of this as coming onto my porch and having
a visit.