
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thoughts Today

Today, we received more rain than the previous days.
I baked and watched the rain and listened to the thunder.
I sewed a bit and visited with a old friend. It is so wonderful
to get caught up this week.

My husband is off of work now until Monday. I am so excited.
What I like about his working at the company he works for now is
he will be really home. I feel so sorry for people who have to be on call
and we lived on call for 22 years. Every Christmas, birthday, vacation
nights and days always living with the phone ringing. We never really
were unplugged. He took a laptop every where he went. Now it is so nice,
yes, he can still get into places to do work, but now he doesn't have to and
the really good thing is the lap top is at work. Total freedom.

You know how women get all upset if you bring up the word " submission,"
I know I used to be that way, and sometimes I do get my eyebrows really pointed,
but after all of these years of watching my husband be on call, and never complaining,
of being talked to meanly when things broke, well, I have learned submission by watching
him by submitting to those in authority.

In a book called The Mark of a Man, p 77 it says,
" The offering up of oneself for the sake of others--- this is the price of
real authority. It was because Christ "humbled himself"---to the point
of dying---that HE is now lifted up above all other in heaven or earth.
His exaltation required His humiliation. The way up is down."

"And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and
became obedient to death---even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:8)

I was thinking of that as I go about my really nice life. I cook and I clean,
but for the most part no one tells me what to do. I get really spoiled. I was
thinking of that because Jesus became a baby born in a manger, he also submitted
to his earthly parents. I always wonder, how He was perfectly submissive,
to people He created.

I think about these things during Christmas.
Have a great rest of the week, we might get sunshine. I am really looking
forward to it.



  1. I'm a bit too sleepy to have a good response, but I always enjoy your posts!

  2. Sweet Kim. Have the best holiday ever with your family.

  3. When will the rain stop for you there? Yikes!

    I like the love and respect you carry in your heart for your husband - and share here with your readers. :)

  4. That's funny, the other day I said something about "If I were Jesus, I would have had a really hard time with my ego." And Ben said yeah that's why you're not Jesus. I never thought of it as Him being submissive. That's a really interesting point.

  5. Kim, enjoy time with your family, and I am happy that your husband can finally be unplugged. Since I got my new job I am rarely unplugged. Some days I think about flushing that work cell phone down the toilet!

  6. Have a really great few days with your honey. I'm so happy for you that you have the nice life, as you put it.

  7. You have a wonderful I wish i had a bit (LOT) more of.
    I'm glad you get time very important- enjoy each moment:) (Of course you will!!!:)

    That 2nd shot is INCREDIBLE and took my breath away. I absolutely love it!

    Thanks for your wonderful thoughts here!
    I hope you have a wonderful Merry-filled Christmas.

  8. I have just come upon your blog from Meg's blog...and I am pleased! It is beautiful; your pictures and your thoughts.What a nice surprise to discover before I go to bed tonight!

    A very happy day baking, and do give Meg a hug from her Swiss blogging friend since you get to see her at Christmas! (I read your comment on her blog).

    Merry Christmas!

  9. Well today I was a little edging and I know I am needing to submit to thanks for this post.

    Oh I painted a vase to look like mercury I had, like you did, and I love it. I think it will be my son's girlfriend's gift. I am now looking for more old vases!!

    Merry Christmas...

  10. And with age, comes wisdom -smile-. Submission is a good thing, when done properly, correctly and within the boundaries of God's law and, sometimes, man's law. After all, we all submit every time we traffic lights, stop and yield signs.
    It's easier to submit when one's husband is a man after God's own heart; that is a great blessing.
    Merry Christmas; thank you for being in my life.


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