
Monday, December 20, 2010

Still Raining

I got up early and drove down to the park by my house.
I just had to take a picture of the park/lake.
It is just full of sea gulls. It hasn't stopped raining
in three days. We are getting more rain today and tonight.
We have a small break on Christmas Eve then another storm

This is another view of the park. I am sure if I went down
there now it would have even more water in it.
It is starting to get cooler now so I imagine in the mountains
around us it is turning into snow.

There is another park on a street over from my house and
this is the dog park. It is full of water too. I went out to feed
my chickens this morning. The only one who was grouchy was my
white Silkie. She is a little bitty thing and she was wanting to fight
the bigger hens through the fence.

I had to laugh because the weather man is still sticking to his story
that this will be the driest winter on record in this La Nina year.
I hope your days are Merry.



  1. So much rain. Three straight days of rain is unbearable. We are having a light dusting of snow right now, but not enough to satisfy me. I'm greedy and would love an inch or two.

  2. Kim, I heard on this evening news that there is a lot of rain coming down in your area and I was telling my husband, "That's where my blogging friend Kim lives". It's a small world isn't it. Stay high and dry. I hope that you are high enough to not get flooded at your home.
    I received your hand made gift this morning. Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness. You are very handy with the saw. I just wish everyone could see the two cute wooden Christmas Trees I received from you. I'll post it on my short blog . There... I made my wish come true. Take care.

  3. Oh my gosh. That's incredible! I haven't seen anything like that around here, but then again we haven't been out since Saturday.

  4. Wow! I know pictures never capture the magnitude of flooding or devastation, but that's a lot of water!

    I love that photo you're using for your header, though! Just beautiful!

  5. Oh my!!!! We had in the mid-70's today...just beautiful and around 78 I have been out walking.
    Well do you see anyone building an Ark?
    Thank care and stay dry!!

  6. I think you need a rowboat! Yikes! Be thankful it's not snow, with that amount. I was thinking about you today. I hope your week is good.

  7. Good grief, that is a lot of water. Stay high and dry, OK. Our forecast is calling for heavy rain and wind tomorrow with a coastal storm surge warning. Crazy December weather!
    But I arrived home from work at 8:00pm and found the cutest little package from a wonderful friend. Thank you, thank you. Your thoughtful gift ended my day on a high note.

  8. It looks a lot like that here. Hope you have a Wonderful week and Merry Christmas.

  9. Sounds like your weatherman is related to ours in Texas! We are having unusually warm weather this week, in the 70's, and for your area... that is a LOT of rain! Stay on high ground and stay dry.

    Merry Christmas Kim!

  10. You have to love the weather man. At least they are committed;))
    THAT is a lot of rain...imagine if it were snow? We could compete in a snowman competition;))

  11. Very Merry and very sunny!

    Have a joy filled, love overflow Christmas and sing with me Happy Birthday Jesus!


  12. We have a lake in our backyard now. It's supposed to rain for several more days too. Not your typical So. Cal. desert weather.
    Have a wonderful Christmas my friend :-)

  13. WOW...Can ya honestly believe it? We might all float away, haha...I am getting a little tired of the constant gloom. I am needing a peek at a little blue sky....Hope your days are merry too in spite of all this weather we are having. HUGS, Deb

  14. you are always a ray of the Son in the midst of rain, sweet kim! Have a blessed Christmas!

  15. I've been thinking about you all as the news is saying it is just pouring out there. Your pictures certainly comfirm that. I hope there isn't any flooding in your area. Stay dry and give those chickens a special treat for me :)


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