
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rainy Days...and Wednesdays

It has been awhile since I posted a chicken photo.
Here is my little bantam flock. Two of these are the mothers
of the others. The little odd looking brown one is a Silkie/
Mille Fleur cross. Dumbest chicken on the planet. But she
is pretty to look at, I learned something when hatching
eggs from hens, hold the babies or you get very wild ones
like I have. They are terrified and never seem to calm down.

Now the reason for this post. When I started this blog, I had only read
a few blogs and knew nothing about them. So I bought a book called Blogging
for Bliss and read all about what she said about starting a blog. The thing
that almost made me stop was the taking pictures part.
I had never taken pictures, I always let my husband or my kids and I have
always managed to keep my self hidden in family photos too. Just not a big
fan of photographs.
I read that and my son brought me his camera and showed me a few things and
I started trying out taking pictures. Something happened that I never expected.
I fell in love with seeing life through a camera. I have read Pioneer Woman's tutorials
and I have photoshop on my computer which I don't use very often. But plan too learn
it to make my photos better. So one of the things I want to do for 2011 is take better pictures.
One of the things I am obsessed with is water droplets. On my walk the other day, I took pictures of the dew on the grass. This is a few of my pictures.

I never knew until I took this picture that grass had
little hairs on them. I never look close enough to notice I guess.

Now pictures are easier to take if you don't have your dog
coming up to look at what you are trying to take a picture of
or eating the grass.

Or it helps if the cat isn't out there too and the dog and cat are
running though every patch of grass that you are on your knees
in the mud getting pictures of, but I did manage a few.

I have a point and shoot five pixel Cannon. Since I am so new at this
I keep putting off buying a new camera. I have this idea and I don't know if
it is true, but like any art form, what you see is not the artists ability so much,
but the medium reflects the heart. It is something I have thought about
as I take pictures. When I am down or depressed my photographs reflect
this and I can't get a decent picture to save my life. When I am happy,
so are my photographs.

So one of my many goals will be to keep learning and taking pictures and
learn what all of the words mean instead of saying pointy thing.

I hope you are having a good Wednesday. We have rain, only it is nice rain so far.
It hasn't turned into a deluge. My daughter and her family will be flying in tonight.
I am praying for good weather. Denver is supposed to get snow so I am praying that
we have a lull and they get in and out of Denver before the snowstorm hits.

So once I have my chicks all back in town I will be a very happy camper.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Well I have a point and shoot, and sometimes my son's good camera...but since it is the person behind the lens that makes the difference my pictures look the same...meaning I am not a photographer, just someone trying to document life.
    I love the raindrops...laughing about the animals being around, I would have that too...and I love the chickens...but especially the comment about not holding them when they were young so now they act wild...there sure are a lot of lessons in that and you seem to always find the lessons!
    Have a dry day and hope everything with your daughter's arrival goes well

  2. Isn't life through a lens fascinating! I have become so engrossed in it...I never leave home without some sort of "camera device":))

    I love water droplets too....amazing what we see when we focus on it!

    Thank you for sharing...I like your chickens:))

  3. I guess you have no problem photographing water droplets lately! Plenty for everyone. Who knew grass had hair. When I'm on my hands and knees examining grass and my hubby comes out, he'll think I've lost it for sure. I won't mentioned it had something to do with blogging or he'll just shake his head. ;)
    I hope your daughter and family are safe and arrive home so momma can rest. I'm a momma hen too! I totally understand.

  4. I laughed when you mentioned the dog and then the cat too. SO TRUE!!! That's why I end up taking so many of my bird photos thru the window. :)

    Wow. You get those pictures with a 5 megapixel camera?! You are doing GREAT!!!

  5. Have you thought about submitting your stories to Guidepost magazine? Or even compiling stories for a small book? You could do your own photography for each story. I think God has given you a writing gift and it is also a gift to inspire others.

  6. Wow, those are really awesome photos. You've gotten so much better from when you started. Keep it up! Some day, you'll have an exhibition like PW did! ;)

  7. The photos you take are just lovely. Like you I love taking pictures and seeing things through the camera lens.

  8. "Dumbest chicken on the planet"...that made me laugh! I think you take wonderful pictures and I think you are right that we do notice more about objects when we photograph them. And yes, I do think you and I have exceptional taste....we like each other!! :-)

  9. Yeah, Dumbest chicken on the planet cracked me up too! Your photos are already great so I can only imagine how amazing they will be in the next year. Its true though, how you see things diffently through the lense - like the hairs on the grass.
    And it will help you with your hooking too.....(subtle hint) LOL You will start to notice things like how many different shades of green are in a clump of grass, or how many different shades of blue, grey, pink etc are in the sky. It is amazing what we can see when we take the time to look.
    Enjoy all your chicks.


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