
Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Field of Dreams

Since I spend so much time out in the field of dreams,
I thought I would show you a bit about it. This is where
I walk, a bunch. I walk at least twice or three times a day,
depending on the weather. More when it is warm.
When we moved here and I was four, I had a stick horse and
I would ride that stick horse all over the cow trails.

This is how it looks when it has been newly plowed and
the trees look like this in the middle of December. Our trees
don't loose all of the leaves until about the 18th or so of December.
Or that has been what it is these last two years I have been paying

This is the field of dreams just before we start the garden.
The trees are newly green. This is the part of the year when
I loose my mind. I tell myself in December even if it is the last
day, I will not go crazy with seed catalogs, I will not buy seeds,
like all of the different varieties of pumpkins that I can find.

This is how the field of dreams looked when I was a girl.
That is my horse Apache. I lived on him and he was my life,
after my Mom died he became my whole world. He lived until
my daughter was two. There has never been a horse in my life
quite like him. If you notice in the back is a old barn. That was
where the cows were kept and we had a hay grinder in there that
my Grandpa used to grind up feed for the cows. Where the barn is in the picture
is my back fence. This was how it looked 40 years ago.

This was the other day before the rain came and washed
the leaves from the trees. I always thought they just fell
after the first few frosts, but this year, the rain just washed them
out all in one day. I will take another picture now that the
trees are without leaves.

We have changed the field of dreams from what it was in my childhood.
But when I was a girl my dream for this place is what it looks like
now. I always wanted white split rail fences around it. Maybe that
is why I take so many pictures of the split rail fences is it was always
part of my dream.
I just thought I would share it with you on this New Year's Eve. When I
was a girl and I would ride that horse, always I saw what it is now. It was
a dream that became a reality. Only I gave it up, and God gave it back to me.
Sometimes He does that.
I think as we stand on the threshold of a new year,
it is always good to dream just a little. In a song by Fleetwood Mac, yes, I can't help it
I still love Rumors. Stevie Nicks sings a song and she asks, " Do you have any dreams would
you like to sell?" I always wonder when I hear those words, will I ever
get so old that I have to ask someone if they have dreams to sell? I hope not. Happy
almost New Year.



  1. loved the visit to your field...what a sweet place to walk with Jesus. praying your new year is a blessing full of HIM!!

  2. Beautiful post and beautiful memories and dreams that came true. :) Love to you and yours for the new year!

  3. It does look like a place where dreams come true. I always love your photos of the fence and now that I know the meaning behind it they seem more beautiful. I wish you the happiest New Year friend.

  4. I just love the trees framing your split fences and the clean look of it all, in your field of dreams. It's awesome that you have a photo of the place before your dream became a reality. I just wish that our farm looked so neat as your. Ours is getting run down and the corner fence needs scraping and repainting and the buildings too. My husband is not very interested in appearances though, to my chagrin.

    I too, go through seed catalogues at this time of year. I've cut down a lot on trying all the seeds that I wanted to plant because it became unmanageable for me. But I still over do it anyway. lol.

    Have a wonderful new year and never let go of your new dreams until they too become reality. Hugs, JB

  5. Sweet post. Thanks for sharing your field with us ....and your dreams!I grew up riding horses on the farm where my granddad was the overseer. My daughter learned to ride at the stables down the street from us. So, although we never owned a horse, we love them. About WMart, the ones here don't carry fabric anymore. I don't sew much, but I was sad to see them discontinue it. I like having choices. Right now we just have Hancock Fabrics and Hobby Lobby. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing your story & photos of your Field of Dreams. Dreams do come true...but not when you wish upon a star (song from Walt Disney's Pinocchio)...instead, when you have Faith and Trust in our Heavenly Father. Such as you do. Love you! Happy New Year and many Blessings to you and yours.

  7. Such a lovely farm you have and your field of dreams is looks like such a wonderful place to go and dream and pray. Wishing you and yours a HaPPY NeW Year!

  8. I stopped by for a visit after I saw your name/comment on Dawn's blog. I love the photos and adore the vastness of the field. My grandparents lived on a working farm and it provides such serenity and beauty as a youngster.
    I enjoyed your site and will be seeing you again!Happy New Year to you!

  9. What a beautiful memory-filled post! I love where you walk each day!!!! A thoughtful walk I am sure.
    Thank you for sharing your field of dreams with us!
    Happy New year to you and your family!!!
    It has been so wonderful getting to know you. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to meet up with fellow bloggers like you...we seem to have many things in common:)
    Anyways....happy new year:)

  10. Oh Kim, I love your field of dreams and your beautiful horse is precious. I can see you riding it and dreaming of tomorrow. I did things like that too when I was little. You’re reality is definitely a dream and I’m so glad you received it :)

  11. Hi Kim,

    You and Sue from "Where Memories are Made" both have my "Field of Dreams." I also love the white railed fence that surrounds your property. I love the pictures, and the childhood memories you shared.

    God bless your day

  12. Not all dreams are in fields. Many are in our hearts. How glorious that we have a Lord who can see inside those hearts and who gives us more than we can imagine! Blessings, my friend.
    Peace, love, joy, happiness and abundant health for you and yours in 2011!

  13. Your farm looks lovely. We live on a farm too-nothing like that -but I do love it. Happy new Year!

  14. Happy Happy New Year...
    Wishing you the best, Nancy

  15. Oh! Kim, God did give you your field of dreams, and I am so happy that you have it and that you share with us. Reading this reminds me so much of my grandparent's farm and the many days I spent there. I don't have theirs though I wish we had bought it when my Dad sold it.But God gave me a farmer and He gave us both our own field of dreams. The title of your blog is what first brought me here, and that was not by circumstance, but ordained by God, because I have found a friend that I truly admire and have grown to love. though we have never met, I feel such a kindred spirit and that is the love of God.
    Happy New Year! Hugs, Sue

  16. How often your words remind me of a published author or philosopher. This post immediately brought to mind, My favorite Tolkein poem...

    I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen, of meadow-flowers and butterflies in summers that have been;
    Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were, with morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair.
    I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be when winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see.

    For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green. I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago, and people who will see a world that I shall never know.
    But all the while I sit and think of times there were before, I listen for returning feet and voices at the door. ~ JRR TOLKEIN

    Bilbo's Song with different spacing by me. :)


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