
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Simply Sunday

Isn't this just a beautiful sunrise? I love when the sun
comes up and the whole sky is one beautiful painted
canvas. The wind has blown all day and we are
supposed to get rain for a couple of days, maybe
the snow levels will drop enough to burn a fire.

We got the wood all stacked on the porch so we
won't have to go out in the rain to get it for the stove.
I always feel like okay, come on winter, we are ready
now. With wood, I know I can cook on my wood stove
if I had too and I have always had a secret desire to live
off the grid and not have to buy electricity. You know
be completely self-sufficient but then I am sort of fond
of the internet. It is the modern day magic carpet.
In a few clicks I can be anywhere in the world. I would be
lost without it I think. I have gotten pretty attached to my
friends. :)

This week the mail brought my prize from dear sweet
Patrice at Everyday Rurality
It is a lovely heart shaped box with lovely ear rings,
which for some reason I cannot get the pictures to turn out.
The fault is mine for not being able to make it look as pretty
as it is.

I love Sundays. The hard part for this one is the
clock going back. I am ready for bed now by 8:00 PM
and there is no way I can go to bed at 7:00 PM
I will still wake up at the normal time so it will be
between 4-5:00 AM now. For my husband, he will
be waking up at 3:30.
When the time changes and it is dark so early I always
have such a sick feeling in my stomach. I can never
figure out why. But having a fire burning always
does make it better.

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!


  1. Girl, looking forward to that extra hour of sleep! Nothing like have the wood stacked, just feels like great security, knowing you can stay warm, in the cold. We have had some really cool nights - in the low 30's down here in MS. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  2. How nice! Nice earrings, nice wood, nice sunset! I'm looking forward to that extra hour in the morning once the time changes, but the extra hour in the evening is going to kill me. I think the kids will just go to bed at 6 and we won't tell them about the time change for a few weeks.

  3. I have to agree w/ you on the "fondness for the internet". When we have internet or power issues, I feel out of sorts when I can't access our blogs and email. :)

  4. Hi Kim,
    Happy Sunday to you too. Isn't a fire in the fireplace just the BEST?! I absolutely love that with my cup of hot chocolate, a good book and dogs snuggled up on either side of me. Heaven on earth!

  5. Awww! You called me sweet. It must be all the sugar I ingest!I'm happy that everyone enjoyed getting their prizes in the mail.

    I secretly always wanted to live off grid, but not if I have to change anything with my computer. I love doing my blog and the wonderful people I have met.

    I love when we "fall back" with the clocks. We could use the extra light hours now. Speaking of sunsets,they have been glorious! We always say that Rebecca has colored a picture for us when we see a pretty sunset. She's our first daughter that we lost. The girls now say that when they see the sunset and it makes me feel warm with some kind of connectedness. (Is that a word?)

    Have a beautiful Sunday.

  6. That pile of wood looks very neat with the wood rack holding it secure. That sunrise is beautiful and means sailors beware, announcing bad weather ahead and when the sunset is red it means sailors delight announcing beautiful weather.

    I'm some glad that all that rain we got and are still getting, didn't come down as snow.

    I feel lost too when the power comes off and I can't use the internet but on the other hand I can always use that time on hooking. JB

  7. I did enjoy that extra hour of sleep this morning. But I do hate waking up in the dark this time of year and then leaving work in the dark as well.
    We have had some power and internet interruptions all weekend and it has been driving me crazy not being able to check blogs etc. It does annoy me being so dependant on the internet now, but I just can't quit!

  8. With a hot glue gun and a rubber band, I think we can rig your internet to run off the smoke from the wood stove! Let me just access my inner McGyver and see what I can do : )

  9. Kim,when I read one of your posts it is like I am right there with you.Your sunrise is beautiful, and so are your gifts. I love to see wood stacked it gives me such a warm feeling.

    I read your last post and enjoyed the trip with you and your family, you look wonderful and happy. I will let you enjoy all the roller coster rides though , I will pass for now. LOL
    Your talents always amaze me, your rug turned out beautifully, and loved the turkey too.
    I have been busy again so much so I haven't had time to blog until today, maybe when the north wind is howling, and snow is on the ground I might get to blog every day. I miss it so much. I think I am going to call myself a winter blogger. lol
    Sending much love to you,


Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
Think of this as coming onto my porch and having
a visit.