
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Friday Ramblings

I am so glad it Friday! I love Fridays, I thought I
would post some pictures of what my garden did look
like. I think by Saturday evening, all that will be left
will be just memories and these pictures. It is time for it to
just be dirt. The lovely Field of Dreams is going to bed.

I have to collect seeds for next year. I really did love
having a whole row of Zinnias. One of the things
as I was thinking about what to post I remembered when
I was listening to Laura Bush she said that
Harper Lee came to the White House and she
got to meet her.
I think that was about the most exciting thing I ever
heard. I think maybe, for most people wouldn't you say
To Kill A Mockingbird, even though required reading,
is about the best story ever.

The first time I saw it, I was little, and my Mom and
Dad would take us to the drive in and we would put our
blankets and our pillows in the back seat and when
we would get to the drive-in my Dad would get out and
go to the snack bar and get popcorn and grape soda.
We would watch the cartoons which would be Tom and Jerry.

It was a Disney for the first show and then we were supposed to
go to sleep in the back and Mom and Dad would get to watch
their movie.

I didn't lay down in the back seat and go to sleep. I watched it and
I loved Gregory Peck and Scott and Jem. When Mr. Radley put cement
in the hole in the tree It scared me to death. I always wanted that cigar
box with the marbles, and the soap carvings of Jem and Scout and the old
pocket watch and the big crayons. I was so glad to know years later that
the lady who played Scout was given the cigar box with all of that stuff in it.

The one part that is in the movie that also scared me was when Atticus
Finch shoots the rabid dog. My Mom yelled at me to lay down and go to sleep.
I peaked through the crack between the seats and watched it anyway.

I read the book once or twice a year, I laugh my way through it. I love the bit
of life that is gone. When I was a kid, and my Dad bought his first grocery store.
It was on what people called the bad side of town. The thing that most people
didn't know was they really were the best kind of people. I think I love that book
because the people I knew as a child were out of the pages of To Kill A Mockingbird.

I hope you have a lovely Friday. I know a Nor'easter is headed toward my friends
in Canada and Maine, so batten down the hatches. I wish I were there. Our air
conditioner is still running. :)

Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!

(Psalm. 107:6)


  1. GoodMorning Kim,
    I like Friday too, loved the photos of your flowers, we are planning to bed our perennials soon, for now we are working steadily on this porch. lol I loved the story of the drive-in movie, it was like reading of what our parents did with us. And To Kill A Mockingbird, was a great movie.
    As always I leave so blessed!

  2. I love your memories shared here. boy oh boy! Those were the good ole days, weren't they??

    The flowers are beautiful, one more example of the changes of life as they get plowed under and new life will begin again.

    Thanks for sharing Kim. it's always a treat!

  3. I will miss the flowers, but not the hot weather. I love Fridays. I think that goes back to school days and how much I wanted to have my weekends. Your story of the drive-in is such a picture of Americana. I wonder if there are still drive-ins. Have a wonderful weekend!

    p.s. I'm behaving myself and staying in bed again today. I have two things that I have to be well for next week and I'm stressing a bit on that. My employer is trying to get me in, but fortunately they aren't entertaining or I'd have to get up and go. They're extremely cool and treat me like gold! Please keep me in your prayers so I can knock this and get back to all the things waiting for me.

  4. Beautiful flowers...the last were they sunflowers also...more burgundy?

    I love your story telling...I may have to steal your idea! How creative. I need to go back and put mine all in a book for my kids, the ones I did do on Mommy Piggy Tales..oh my to do list gets longer. Maybe I will use your style in our writing lesson...I am still the learner.

    Still hot here also. Have a blessed Friday!!

  5. I remember those family drive-in trips. So much fun. Its a shame they have all gone the way of the dinosaur.
    I have never seen the movie To Kill A Mockingbird but I loved the book when I read it some 30 years ago :) I think it is definately time I re-read it.

  6. I enjoyed my visit here today. :) Hope you can stop over and visit my farm...oh and leave me a comment so I know you stopped by! Have a happy weekend. :)

  7. Ah well, even if it's still hot, summer is technically over. This time next week it's supposed to be in the low 70's.

    I don't remember the part in the movie with the rabid dog. I remember it in the book. I guess it's because I haven't seen the movie since I was little.

  8. Hi Kim:
    How are you???? From the looks of your blog you have been super busy...You are so kind to me ...
    I'm so sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner my like has been crazy... and of course I would love the Versatile blogger award...It is so nice that you thought of me...Now with my limited computer skills, I have a friend who is going to put the award on my blog for me...I know to the rest of blog land that would be a simple thing but to me it is like climbing a mountain....Thanks again you are a sweetie, Nancy

  9. Kim, what a wonderful post. I loved reading about your childhood recollections associated with "To Kill A Mocking Bird". The book is a yearly favorite of mine and the movie too. I love the fact that the movie is still shown in black and white, no coloration needed. Your flower photos are lovely, I hope you can remove your air conditioner soon, sending a bit of Autumn your way.

  10. I remember those drive-in movies, trips to the canteen for popcorn or chips and pop. I can picture you being curious in the back seat. lol I too miss my flowers but I've got them right here on my computer for when ever I need a pick me up. Have a great weekend. Hugs, JB

  11. Drive in visits for our family too. Some of the best fun for our family together when my sister and I were school aged. My favorite drivein had a playground up near the screen, and I remember all the cartoons? that counted down the time to when the movie started and encouraged the dads to go get in line at the snack bar. We usually popped our own corn, mom made sandwiches, and we got the rare cup of pop! Great times!


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Think of this as coming onto my porch and having
a visit.