
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today is a Thankful Thursday. I guess today I
I will start by saying how thankful I am for all of the
people God has brought into my life. I am thankful
that a year a go I took a very hard step of entering
the blogging world instead of just being a spectator.

I think it all started when I went into the library and
the librarian told me of a lady who had recently passed
away and she left all of her books to the library and would
I like to see them. Me of course, said yes, because I am so
nuts about books was all but jumping up and down.

The Liberian took me into this back room and on every
table rows and rows of tables were books on every
subject you could imagine. Painting, gardening, building
things, raising chickens, every kind of sewing you could imagine.
I walked up aisle after aisle just looking, I do think that is
where I bought my first chicken book. :)

I walked out of there shook to my very foundation. The Librarian
told me that the lady and never done any of the stuff that she
had books for that she had just read about it. I knew I was
fast turning into that lady, I was just reading about things and
not doing them.

My first thing was to get chickens. Then put we put in that giant garden.
Then I found blogs, I saw a community that made it easier to try
to do things, people who help people like me come back to life.
I started trying to do things again. Like taking pictures.
Seeing life through a camera lens. Something I never
had tried before.

Trying to write a coherent sentence is a challenge but knowing
people are going to read it for someone like me who had become
afraid of living out loud, Is really hard.

So today, I am thankful for bloggers like you, who give so much
back to the world by sharing what you do, and being who you are,
you never know how your life is going to touch someone else.
You never know how your words will give someone hope
and joy and make them laugh, or cry.

I continue to be blessed everyday and I am so thankful
that one day I stumbled into a place called Dog Trot Farm, and
she just talked about her chickens and her life in Maine and
through her beautiful pictures she gave me courage to try something
I might never have tried.

I am thankful today for people who shared their lives with me everyday.
I love that daily, you allow me to see a chapter in your lives and
so today on this Thursday, I am very Thankful for the this place
we live and write about, our homes, our families and of course,
chickens. :)
I hope your day is very wonderful day, this post was supposed to be about
my pumpkins but blogger kept turning my pictures so it turned into
Happy Thursday!

Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!

(Psalm. 107:6)


  1. "afraid of living out loud" is a blue ribbon line.

    We all have to start somewhere, none of us were born knowing.

    Changes are wonderful things. Enjoy your journey of discovery and never be afraid to ask questions.

  2. Thanks Gail, so what kind of camera do you use? :)

  3. Wow, I didn't realize that you had started doing all those things because of that lady's books. I'm glad you did!

  4. and i am thankful for you. you are a bright
    spot in my day. i love how you carry on
    about those chickens. :)

    you definitely will not be like the woman
    with all the books. maybe someone will
    write a book about YOU!

  5. Such nice comments! Yep, Kessie, that was why I saw all of those books and it dawned on me, I could be someone who just read about things or I could be a doer and someone who lived life.

    Your comments are so kind and I am so glad you like my chicken stories. I can't help it, Chickens just make me laugh.

  6. I am thankful for YOU and your sweet blog...when I visit it feels like a breathe of fresh air...chicken poop and all!!:)

    hugs and love~ m

  7. Cheers to bloggers like yourself! This is the first time I am visiting your blog. I like it!


Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
Think of this as coming onto my porch and having
a visit.