
Friday, July 16, 2010

Field of Dreams Friday

I planted these sunflowers because they are supposed
to be black. The package said that Hopi Indians made
dye out of the seeds and used it to do the designs on
their baskets. That intrigued me. I have always
been interested in using natural things to make dye.
I like the idea of boiling roots and leaves and coming
up with dyes that never wash out or change color.

This is still one of my favorite pictures because I was
able to catch this little orchard bee with it's little pockets
full of pollen. The orchard bee is very shy. I have spent so much
time out in my sunflowers trying to get a picture like this.
When I got this I was so happy. Then it let me keep
getting pictures. But none of them were as close as this one.

I am glad it is Friday. I can't believe how fast the weeks
seem to pass by. I am hoping that this weekend, I might
get to pick up my sewing again. I haven't picked up
a needle and thread is almost two weeks. I am always
so afraid that my hands will forget how to hold a needle and
that my hands will be used to nothing but work.

Try and stay cool,
Happy Friday!

Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!

(Psalm. 107:6)


  1. So how do you get dye from the sun flower plant?

  2. I wondered what kind of bee that was. Are they rare? I think I had one in my ancient bug collection, but I never knew what it was.

    Also, those sunflowers are cool looking. So dark red!

  3. No they aren't rare they are just the normal wild bees that live out here. I keep thinking I am going to build them a small little house out of a gourd. They live in holes, in wood.

  4. I love that color. If you figure out how to make the dye I might have to try it too. I still have some yarn blanks... :)

  5. I will snoop around and see if I can find out how, I used to have this book on making your own dyes, I will see if I can find it again.

  6. ohmygosh, Kim. That top photo is wonderful! I love it! I might have to snag it for my blog. {grin}

    Have a great Friday...and do pick up some sewing this weekend.

  7. gorgeous color! i'm so worried
    about your chickens. did you get
    the cool front that came through
    oklahoma last evening and this


  8. gorgeous color! i'm so worried
    about your chickens. did you get
    the cool front that came through
    oklahoma last evening and this


  9. Hello Kim: Your garden is beautiful..Love your zinnias... Here in the northwest it has been so cool and rainy my zinnias have just started to bloom....All I can say is if you say my tomato plants you would laugh....There isn't one tomato yet...Good luck with the hot weather, Nancy
    P.S. love your blogs new look

  10. I still say it looks like it has a heart in the center by the way you took you photo -- nicely done!


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