
Saturday, January 25, 2025

Now I Am Back


Doesn't that look like a giant footprint? When we drive by here, I always think of some giant walking over these wonderful hills. Finally, Ron who I am so thankful for, figured out how to get my pictures from I Cloud. I would sit at the computer, for a solid year, and no matter how much voo-doo I tried couldn't get my photos from my phone to my photo editor. I bought a new phone, I think in October and it was for me just too much technology. Plus there are new/old changes to blogger and by the time I fought with everything I just gave up. One of my goals was I was going to start blogging this year. It may be the 25th of January but its still January.

We have used our travel trailer a lot. We took Polly with us every trip. She is a very good traveler.

I have never traveled with a dog before so that was a new experience but such a nice one. I am so happy I have her because I have to walk. It got really easy to not walk like I did when I had chickens and big gardens to take care of. 

On our way to visit Ben and Megan we had left really early to get to North Carolina and this was going over the long bridge over the Arkansas river. Little did we know that in two weeks, North Carolina would be hit with Hurricane Helene. We saw so many beautiful places, and now they are gone. It still makes me sad, and I do hope this new administration will not forget those people in Tennessee, Georgia, Florida and North Carolina, like the past one did. Wasn't last week a nice week?



She knows she isn't supposed to get up on the couch, but I was doing something and she wasn't happy about it. Like right now I am blogging and she is ready to go outside. 

I don't think I ever showed this rug that I put on the wall behind my fireplace. I love this rug so much.

Thank you Saundra, for drawing it out for me. Dyeing that wool for this was hard as I saw colors in my mind that I didn't have recipes for. That rug was such a labor of love. 

I will stop for now, I am just so excited I can write again. I can't wait to go back to Tucson.

I have another grandbaby to visit in April. I can't wait. When this next baby comes, We will be grandparents of 15. I am so blessed and so thankful for all of the precious gifts that we have had the joy of being grandparents and that is just the oldest three. The girls are winning. We don't know what the next baby will be, so it will be interesting. Seven girls and five boys. 

I wish you all of the best, I will track down the rugs I did last year.

I guess because I couldn't upload pictures, I just didn't take pictures of them. I would 

finish them and just put them in the closet. 

Have a delightful day, we have our first rainstorm coming. Yay!!


 "Be the person your dog thinks you are".


Friday, January 24, 2025

The New Year, 2025

 I thought I might try to write a blog. Its really like sitting down and doing something I am so unfamiliar with now. I want to say thank you to sweet Lauren for checking on me. I really never thought I would ever take a blogging break that lasted a whole year. 

I am good, and happy and loving having Polly my dog. My family and my extended family are all good. 

As soon as I can figure out how to get pictures out of the cloud and onto my computer I will be back to blog more. 

That is next on my agenda. I have been hooking and dyeing wool and all of that stuff I enjoy, I just can't show you and you know how important it is to show you pictures. 

I just wanted to say hi and its all good. I have missed you all.
