
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A Twaddle Post

I think this is my first Twaddle post for 2020. So many things have taken my attention. Today we have a 82 degree day. It smelled wonderful this morning, and I admit to going a bit crazy when the temps, and the spring smell collide. I can't stay in the house very much. Its a little wet on the grass so I am waiting for it to dry a little and then, the rest of the day will be in the glorious sunshine and wonderful sweet air. Beautiful April, I always love it when she finally arrives.

 My roses are just beautiful this year, I think its because we haven't had really warm weather so they have had time to bloom longer. I plan on opening the house today. Don't you love screen doors? The sound of them slamming, as people come in saying "Mom where are you!" I was thinking today that when we started getting the house ready. It was July 7th. It seemed like it would never get here. Now that most everything we had on the list is accomplished. Just a few odds and ends are left now, its such a nice feeling to look around and just feel thankful.

I had to run to the grocery store today. I was out of dishwasher soap. I had no idea that would be something that there wouldn't be a single box, bottle or container. I stood staring at that empty shelf. I pondered, well, washing dishes by hand isn't so bad. I always buy Dawn by the gallon anyway. I love that stuff because its works like magic. From washing the dog to getting spots out. As I walked down the aisle, there on a end of a aisle was dishwasher soap. Five shelves of it. I felt like I hit the mother-lode. Not of course the brand I use, but something I always wanted to try. So one thing about all of this, I have got to try new brands of things I might not have ever tried.

 I have got to have Ron working from home so I get to see what he does all day. Gosh, poor guy, I never knew how many meetings he had to sit through. It has helped me to appreciate what he does for us. I have to admit, I love having someone to have lunch with every day, and he never complains when I just come in and tell him some silly something I just did or wanted to do. Not to mention, when the call comes," Can we show your house?" He and I are just a perfect team. Its almost like we say to ourselves, "Battle Stations!" We run through the house turning on lights, and shutting toilet lids and burning candles. Then load poor Sasha in the car and go for a ride. I feel very blessed to be here right now. I have dug out old books that I had never read before. I have thought about them in different ways than I might have thought before all of this stuff started happening.

This part is not twaddle. This year, we will be blessed with two more grand babies. Kessie will have her newest baby in June. Megan will have her newest baby in August. We will have 12 grand babies here and two sweet babies in heaven. How can anything be better than sweet babies and all of those wonderful grands God has blessed us with? 

Today, I finally woke up to all of the amazing things God has done. I have focused on the glass not only full but overflowing in my lap. Yes, life has hard things, but I know that we are on the road to a greater and better tomorrow and the future will be brighter because we have got each other and God is always in control, and you know what? He's got this!

I love you all. You help me to keep my eyes on whats important and what is important is YOU!
You are all blessings to me.

“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.”

Thursday, April 16, 2020

A Spring Morning

Good Morning. Happy day to you all. One thing about being in quarantine is my house is super clean, my laundry is always done. My flowerbeds are clean. I have time to cook dinner every day. I have time to read all of the books that I have been putting off. My chickens and I have meaningful conversations every day. The same with the dog and the cats. Ron is working from home so I am always walking in and interrupting him. He never complains. I have someone to eat lunch with every day. Its kind of like being on vacation.

The feverfew in the front flowerbed is going crazy. Its now almost taller than me. I planted it years ago when I was living with migraines.  I would go out and smell the plant as you crush the leaves. I don't know if it ever really helped, but I do love the daisy looking flowers.
I am going to use my Mantis and get my beds ready for planting. I have my seeds all ready to go. I didn't start anything early like I did last year. I didn't know how it would look to perspective buyers the bathtub turned into a greenhouse. We showed the house on three times in one day this week.

We have had so much rain this month. My flowers all love it. I ordered a new counted cross stitch this morning from LaDeDa.  With it finally warmer it will be nice to sit outside and stitch.

This morning the garden was lovely. The air is perfect and nothing is prettier than the garden in April.
The berries and the artichoke are so pretty.

I went to Lowe's this week and they had all of their plants in so I maybe getting some tomatoes and peppers to plant along with all of my seeds.

I thought I would share this. All of my family, work in jobs that are considered essential. Some of them happen to work with people considered high risk. With that being said. Here where we live, there have only been two deaths related with Covid 19. People who tested positive are now cleared. The two poor people who passed away, passed away because of other heath issues. I just thought my friends would like to know that. I am not without compassion or care. Just for the record.

I will be putting comments on moderation now.

Just so you know.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Today's Thoughts

Good Morning!
 I hope this day finds you well and happy. Its beautiful here today. On Sunday, I wrote a post. I shared my heart and I ended up taking it down because of just let me say, someone strongly disagreed with what I wrote. I didn't want to get into a war with someone I don't know or have ever met and as far as I know, I have never had a comment or have visited their blog. As I stated it was my opinion. I won't bring up what I wrote again, but I will state. Without our Constitution. our Bill of Rights, and the Rule of Law, we are no better than dictatorship. Without freedom of speech and the ability to voice ideas, we might as well live in our houses forever and never speak up for what is right.

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
 Martin Niemöller

Thank you for the sweet people who did not attack me after what I wrote. Even for you too Kate for voicing your opinion. Are we not all Americans? Do we all not have differing opinions? I wrote mine. If you have a differing  opinion from mine.  Write it on your own blog. This blog is mine.
AS well as my thoughts. I won't come and scream at you. I promise.

Have a wonderful day,