
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Mid August

What a lovely summer its been. Just the right kind. Not too many 110 days, just a normal summer.
The garden is tired, and I am tired of it. Its still so nice to go out in the early morning. I sit in my chair under the trees. My hens get as close as they can and preen and doze and I love the peace of the early morning. There are hummingbirds everywhere in the garden this time of morning and I watch them as they fly about the flowers and the squash blossoms. My sunflowers are starting to get tired, but the finches are so happy and you can hear them chatting to each other as they sway from the tops of the sunflowers as they harvest sunflower seeds. My little Jack be Little's are ready to be harvested but I keep putting it off, so maybe they will last lots longer if I harvest in September.

I have just loved seeing these little bees just covered in pollen and so loaded down, I wonder how they fly.
I would say this last week as been like the opening lines in Tale of Two Cities," It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
The best of times, is that Peter got a job back in our town. Yay, he starts in September. He will be moving back and I am so happy. I will be back to having two boys at home for awhile still yet.

The worst of times this week, is that while we were sleeping someone came in our backyard and went through our garage bathroom and into our garage and went though our cars. They went through the cabinets in the garage. They went through my shed outside. We still wonder what they were looking for as it seems so odd the things that were stolen. A very old BB gun, some blueberries and blackberries I had in the fridge. They took Ron's change he had in his car, but dropped it all over the porch. They broke in our truck outside, but left a dollar on the ground. They dropped the charger block they would use to charge their devices. They stole Ron's case for his glasses. They stole paint cans from my craft cupboard, but left them sitting on our trash cans in the back. It still feels like someone invaded though. They turned the light on in the outside bathroom, which shines in our bedroom which woke up Ron so he may have scared them off. Who knows. We will of course, be on guard. The funny thing was I had strawberries and raspberries in the back fridge but they didn't take them. Odd isn't it?

I am working on a fall rug. I even dyed wool this week. September is around the corner. We also lost one of our kitties last week. She was 20 years old. She died quietly in her box. I knew it was coming and I wasn't prepared how upset I got. She grew up with all of the kids and she was still hunting for mice in my chicken house until last week. She always acted more like a dog, than a cat. She came when you called and she followed me out or Ron out when ever we were outside. I am so glad she didn't suffer and I am so glad I didn't have to take her to be put to sleep.

I am so thankful though, that that person or persons didn't make it in the house. I am glad they only got stuff that doesn't matter. But the police say, they will be back. They were looking around. So it will be that we have to be even more on our game. The first thing though that came to my mind was this:
 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matt. 6:19-21)

Its not the things I worry about but people. So that was my week. Good and bad, but all learning experiences. My heart sings in spite of it all because Peter is coming home. Ben and Megan are good, the Arizona people are good, all of the people who live here are good. Lots of challenges all of the time but God is always good, all of the time.

I send you blessings upon blessings from my house to yours,


"Keep looking up...the secret to life---Snoopy"

Monday, August 5, 2019

Hello August!

Good Morning! Happy August! Most the time in August, I am so tired of summer. I think this is the first time in years and years, I am so happy to see August. This has been more of the weather that I remember as a child. Warm, yet not weeks and weeks of over 105 or higher. I have thoroughly enjoyed this garden.

It has I think far exceeded my expectations.

Its so hard to get a good photo of all of the work I have stored in jars. I am like Silas Marner, in that I look in here and chuckle to myself at all of this food we have grown in our garden. I think I will have to relocate the stuff on the top shelf, if I can anything else. Most of the time, by August the bugs and heat have completely decimated our plants. I have not been completely organic this year. That food grade sulpher has been such a lifesaver. Not to mention having things growing on the arches rather than on the ground. I have so many little pumpkins growing this year.

This year we planted brown onions. I have to say it has been to my favorite thing. I have used them so much and walking out and getting a onion when I need it has been awesome. I have used so many and this is the last of the crop. I will be planting this again.

 I had to share this picture of the gang that now lives in North Carolina. I totally loved seeing them like this and it brings back so many memories of how when ours were all home at that age how we would spend summer days. I think being outside in a hammock is so cool.

I love these arches so much.  There is just something about going inside a tunnel. I sit and watch hummingbirds and finches that love this area. In fact the other day when I was picking food, I think I was being dive bombed by a hummer.

I know when I sat down here I had a million things I wanted to talk to you about. I just wanted to say hi and I can't believe we are into August now. You know what that means right? Fall is around the corner. I will enjoy August, but knowing that the promise of fall is waiting in the winds just makes me so happy.
Have a wonderful week,

"August rushes by like desert rainfall,
A flood of frenzied upheaval,
But still catching me unprepared.
Like a matchflame
Bursting on the scene,
Heat and haze of crimson sunsets.
Like a dream
Of moon and dark barely recalled,
A moment,
Shadows caught in a blink.
Like a quick kiss;
One wishes for more
But it suddenly turns to leave,
Dragging summer away."
-  Elizabeth Maua Taylor