If feels like this morning that we finally have a break
in the heat. Just a bit would be wonderful. Earlier
in the summer I took a challenge to walk 10,000
steps a day, for 80 days. Today is day 41. If it takes 30 days
to form a habit I am very glad and I hope this habit
My average of steps a day is 14,000. I try to get as
close as I can to 10,000 before 9:00 am because,
then it is easier to get past it.
I have a goal of 20,000 but have only got to 18,000
It has been so hot that by 9:00 am I would be seeing spots
so I had to not walk as much as I like. I have been swimming
in the evenings too. I have to make myself get in the pool though.
I am so glad when I get there. It is that first jumping in
part that I just don't like.
So that is what I have been doing most of the summer plus garden
work plus house work. It has left little time for sewing. I was thinking today
about how to fit that back in but didn't come up with
any solutions.
I hope you have a lovely Tuesday,
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, for His wonderful works to the children of men!
(Psalm. 107:6)
Eh, sewing is for winter, when there's nothing to do outside. For now, just worry about the outside stuff!
i'm glad you've had a little break in the heat.
and good for you, with your walking and
swimming. i'm afraid i have lost some ground
because of the heat.
i do much better in the mountains. or all
other seasons. :)
say "hi" to the chickens!
We're supposed to be down to 96 by Sunday! I'm glad you're not trying to walk out while it's past 100. Even the kids aren't really going outside - they just wander for a minute or two then come back in.
What about Fiber Fridays? ;)
I think you would have to say that 3 year olds are smarter than gama, I stay outside until I can hardly see because of the sweat they come back in the house.
Hello Kim~Thank you for the visit, always welcome and glad to see you.
Also, thank you so much for the sweet comment.I do enjoy my family and never wished them away ever............I would miss them all sooooo.I know some people just can't wait to be empty nesters but that's not me.I didn't have children in hopes they would leave and never return.It's nice to know of others that love their family as much as I do.They are a gift from above that is for sure.
I read your last post about home schooling and I feel that there is more to hands on education than just text book smart.So I am sure you have taught your children things you never even dreamed of teaching them.I know of the most educated children/young adults that can't even function in the real world so how well did they do?
Mine are in charter schools well the last one now, due to my husband not wanting the same things I wanted for them.It was a compromise you would say on both parties.Tho, I feel that God has a plan for all of us and what will be, will be..................That's how I get through life without to much heartache.
Great job on the steps, I too am trying to walk a lot.I should keep track so I know what I am up to.I live in Oregon and we have mild weather most of the time so that's good.I am lovin your sunflower my fav! ~Cheers Kim
I applaud you, walking and swimming a great accomplishment on your part. Everyday I tell myself I am going to pick up my hook (even if it is just for ten minutes) just never seems to happen. Housework, cooking, flowers, gardens, chickens, grocery shopping, blogging, never ends. Maybe tomorrow will be the day my hook gets busy.
I love sitting on your porch, visiting with you. YAY for you on the walking! And, swimming.
that sunflower pic is AMAZING!! thanks for sharing!!
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